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Guess The Pokemon, get a rep!


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I know how many of these threads there are, but these are completely different. :P

And tougher :P

BTW, these are part of it's Pokédex description off a DS game


[spoiler=Riddle 1 - Solved - Ariados]

It attaches silk to its prey.



[spoiler=Riddle 2 - Solved - Swinub]

It loves eating mushrooms that grow under dead grass.



[spoiler=Riddle 3 - Solved - Kirlia]

It dances when it is feeling happy.



[spoiler=Riddle 4 - Solved - Aggron]

For food, it digs up iron ore.



[spoiler=Riddle 5 - Solved - Porygon]

It can travel through electronic space.



[spoiler=Riddle 6 - Solved - Grotle]

The shell is hardened soil



[spoiler=Riddle 7]

Unfortunately, it is not smart.



[spoiler=Riddle 8]

It loves fun dreams.



[spoiler=Riddle 9]

Its sighting have become rare recently.



[spoiler=Riddle 10]

It is a very fickle Pokémon.



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