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[spoiler=Kira Kills Card Grade]


You can Special Summon this card from the Graveyard by removing 3 DARK monsters in your Graveyard from play. During your End Phase, remove 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play. If you cannot, control of this card switches to your opponent, and its effects are negated.


Grade Scale

Pic = 7/10 - The pic does fit in well with the name but it looks kinda bland -.-

Effect = 8/10 = its an interesting effect and you have some hard summoning conditions aswell as keeping it under your control so it keeps it balanced

OCG Grammer = 10/10 - I see nothing wrong with the card grammer.


Total Grade = 8.5/10 - A.




Now that the card is graded more things are going to happen around the club such as the Kings Challenge and Student Championships which will be coming soon.

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For e.g.... Oh nevermind... I created a New Type and there isn't a Real Type that can replace it. Its Plasma.


Err... Which Type can replace Plasma-Type? Plasma-Type is a Type suitable for Emo Stuff, Gothic Stuff, and Ectoplamic Stuff. No, Ectoplasmic Stuff are not Zombies...


OK, which Type can replace Plasma-Type? (Don't say Fairy-Type, it is already treated as Fairy-Type)



1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This monster is also treated as a Fairy-Type monster. During your battle phase, you may toss a coin. If heads, add 3 Union monsters from your deck to your hand. When this monster is destroyed while equipped with a Union monster, destroy that monster instead. During your battle phase, you may roll the six-sided die. If the number of the die is 1, destroy 1 face-up card on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 2, destroy 1 face-down card on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 3, draw 2 cards. If the number of the die is 4, add 2 cards from your graveyard to your hand. If the number of the die is 5, your opponent loses 600 Life Points. If the number of the die is 6, you lose 600 Life Points.


No srsly, I had no idea why I made such a loooooong effect. I can't believe I lost to iHop with this card. Since I can't think of a Type to replace Plasma-type, is this OK?

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Hmm... Which one, which one... Zombie? Ghosts aren't Zombies, that has been said loads of times.


Fiend, maybe... A monster that's both Fiend and Fairy-Type sounds cool.


Spellcaster? Well, wouldn't say it casts spells. I'll change its Type to Fiend just for this.



1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This monster is also treated as a Fairy-Type monster. During your battle phase, you may toss a coin. If heads, add 3 Union monsters from your deck to your hand. When this monster is destroyed while equipped with a Union monster, destroy that monster instead. During your battle phase, you may roll the six-sided die. If the number of the die is 1, destroy 1 face-up card on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 2, destroy 1 face-down card on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 3, draw 2 cards. If the number of the die is 4, add 2 cards from your graveyard to your hand. If the number of the die is 5, your opponent loses 600 Life Points. If the number of the die is 6, you lose 600 Life Points.


There, Type altered.

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[spoiler= Jolta's Grade]


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This monster is also treated as a Fairy-Type monster. During your battle phase, you may toss a coin. If heads, add 3 Union monsters from your deck to your hand. When this monster is destroyed while equipped with a Union monster, destroy that monster instead. During your battle phase, you may roll the six-sided die. If the number of the die is 1, destroy 1 face-up card on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 2, destroy 1 face-down card on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 3, draw 2 cards. If the number of the die is 4, add 2 cards from your graveyard to your hand. If the number of the die is 5, your opponent loses 600 Life Points. If the number of the die is 6, you lose 600 Life Points.


Grade Scale

Pic = 8/10 - Its okay.

Effect = 7/10 - Hmm it incorporates both dice roll and coin flip, its probably overpowered but it is creative.

OCG Grammer = 7/10 - there is a lot of OCG errors but it is hard to get die rolls and coin flips right keep working on it.


Total Grade = 7.5/10 - B



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I made a new card that just won a 1 on 1. Mind if you rate that?




THAT new card


Oh ok i'll get to it but any grade Pikachu gets I won't give him AcP because he didnt post the Actual card in this thread


I'm actually taking the lead!


Oh yes' date=' could you change my name on teh first post?



I will but can I still call you Jolta? its easier to remember.

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Oh sure.


Until I get another Name Change. Mia doesn't like my name much. She says it will give her a bad impression.


I don't know. Kekeke. Check out Club Pikachu, I decided a few names for myself.


I got repped for my new name. New Name Reps, they do exist.

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Oh sure.


Until I get another Name Change. Mia doesn't like my name much. She says it will give her a bad impression.


I don't know. Kekeke. Check out Club Pikachu' date=' I decided a few names for myself.


I got repped for my new name. New Name Reps, they do exist.



Yeah when I changed my name to Silent Magician Master or Silent Magician 2.0 Spire gave me a rep but since I changed my name to King Matrix sadly I havent gotten any name reps. >.<

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