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Take the Me quiz win +reps :D


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so this is the me quiz. so heres how it works

-you will answer the below questions

-there are 10 questions about me

-you must get at least 6/10 correct to recieve a +rep

-replace the _____ with your answer/put the letter of your answer at the end of the question/put the answer at the end of the question/put true or false at the end of the question


the quiz V


1. what was the name of my 1st card on this account?

2. before i lost it to a hacker, my old account was called _____.

3. how many threads have i made?

4. i am getting my name changed to A-Red Alloy B-M0M0 C-scorpion D-0mFg

5. True or False: i'v had a name change on this account

6. my cat's name is ______.

7. i was born in the year a-1990 b-1995 c-1997 d-2000

8. my gfx specialty is _____.

9. true or false: i have a best friend on ycm

10. my shop is called _____.


good luck

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1. what was the name of my 1st card on this account? Evil Hero Dark Burstinatrix

2. before i lost it to a hacker, my old account was called . Yoshiman™

3. how many threads have i made? 38

4. i am getting my name changed to A-Red Alloy B-M0M0 C-scorpion D-0mFg B-M0M0

5. True or False: i'v had a name change on this account-True.

6. my cat's name is Momo?

7. i was born in the year a-1990 b-1995 c-1997 d-2000- b-1995

8. my gfx specialty is . Logos

9. true or false: i have a best friend on ycm False

10. my shop is called _________~{Momo's Logo Shop}~________.

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1. what was the name of my 1st card on this account? Evil Hero Dark Burstinatrix

2. before i lost it to a hacker, my old account was called . Yoshiman™

3. how many threads have i made? 38

4. i am getting my name changed to A-Red Alloy B-M0M0 C-scorpion D-0mFg M0M0

5. True or False: i'v had a name change on this account-True.

6. my cat's name is Tiger

7. i was born in the year a-1990 b-1995 c-1997 d-2000- 1995

8. my gfx specialty is . Logos

9. true or false: i have a best friend on ycm True

10. my shop is called _________~{Momo's Logo Shop}~________.

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1. what was the name of my 1st card on this account? Evil Hero Dark Burstinatrix

2. before i lost it to a hacker, my old account was called . Yoshiman™

3. how many threads have i made? 38

4. i am getting my name changed to A-Red Alloy B-M0M0 C-scorpion D-0mFg B-M0M0

5. True or False: i'v had a name change on this account-True.

6. my cat's name is Momo?

7. i was born in the year a-1990 b-1995 c-1997 d-2000- b-1995

8. my gfx specialty is . Logos

9. true or false: i have a best friend on ycm False

10. my shop is called _________~{Momo's Logo Shop}~________.


Just guessing...

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1. what was the name of my 1st card on this account? Evil Hero Dark Burstinatrix

2. before i lost it to a hacker, my old account was called . Yoshiman™

3. how many threads have i made? 38

4. i am getting my name changed to A-Red Alloy B-M0M0 C-scorpion D-0mFg B-M0M0

5. True or False: i'v had a name change on this account-True.

6. my cat's name is Momo?

7. i was born in the year a-1990 b-1995 c-1997 d-2000- b-1995

8. my gfx specialty is . Logos

9. true or false: i have a best friend on ycm False

10. my shop is called _________~{Momo's Logo Shop}~________.

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