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Wow do I suck


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My other stuff has been solid mod lately' date='[b'] this is like low mod.


Was bored and just wanted to finish it tbh, irdc about it


You gotta be funking kiddin' me.



Congrats, decent YCM gfx artists, you have made a low mod sig at some point recently!!!! :D

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or else you'll be like every other gfx'er on here. :P


funk you, and your mom too.


Not your best, bro. I like the style of the one in your sig more. This tag really doesn't seem up to your standards. Seems kind of flat and blending should be worked better.


Not your best, my friend. ;P Keep working, though.

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or else you'll be like every other gfx'er on here. :P


f*** you' date=' and [b']your mom too.[/b]


Not your best, bro. I like the style of the one in your sig more. This tag really doesn't seem up to your standards. Seems kind of flat and blending should be worked better.


Not your best, my friend. ;P Keep working, though.


My mom's dead.


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Guest Merciful Idiot

This is cool, actually. But just simply normal. Nothing completely special.


Hmm I would of never thought you would be flamin a mod like this haris' date=' specially since you know im heartless



What mod? All I see is a heartless newb making some decent graphic work.



Real Mod = Heartless newb making some decent graphic work?

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