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Chibi Knights - Chibi Knights vs. Darkness Knights (Finished, LOCK plz ^_^)


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The web of darkness suddenly rose upward and blocked the gust of wind, then it joined together to form a drill and it headed striaght for kakuzu.



Sasuke grabbed Akamaru, then charged lightning through his hand and to Akamaru, making Akamaru fall to the ground. Then he electrified his sword and dashed at Kiba.

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OOC: Dammit Cre-kun! i spent two posts fixing that up! Dx


IC: the kickback of the trace mobile suit started to kick in...


I felt immense pain course through my left arm...


well, if they want a ground fight that bad...I suppose I'll oblige.


I hopped out, armed and ready.


"youre gonna pay for trashing the gundam!" I yelled as I burst myself right in front of Kenshin...the only thing visible was a burning, red streak...and a knee in his face.

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"Electricity.... how unexpected.... You really got to get some variety!" Kiba dashed to one side, avoiding the blow and kicking Sasuke's feet out from under him. Kiba stared down at Sasuke.

"We've expected you chidori moves, so we became able to endure a large amount of it until it hurts!" Akamaru, as if in response, jumbed onto Sasuke, scratched his face, and jumped to Kiba's side.


-Kakuzu vs Rina-


Kakuzu used various handsigns as the drill drew closer.

"Elemental Style: 5 Trigram Beam!" All his hearts joined their jutsus to create a beam of light that crashed into the darkness.

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"You think lighning and fire are all I have? I have gained power since you died. I have finally gained the full power of the curse mark..." Sasuke's hand began to emit a lightning sound, but instead of the usual chidori blue, it was grey. He hit himself with it. His body began to be engulfed in lightning.

"Now, this is what i can do..."

Sasuke dashed toward Kiba. He moved so fast all that could be seen is a grey lightning streak.



Rina's darkness drill exploded. The darkness energy gathered around Rina, revolving around her.

"You can't hurt me... because I control the darkness..."

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"kekekeke, looks like I'll need to deal with this player myself!'

Creator appears before Kailyn

"Your technique is impressive, but it is no match for the real thing! I call upon the powers of the fallen Necromancer Enuo, Heed my call Void!"

The Void appears and begins to consume the area

"Have fun in your eternal Prison! I have a game to finish."

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Something flashed in Kiba's memory.

CURSE MARK! I swore to stop... Kiba shook his head and let the shadows control him again. He was free of good, made of evil.

"Dark Jutsu: Pommel Drill!" Kiba became surrounded by shadows until he had a black aura around him. He lunged and collided with Sasuke.


-Kakuzu vs Rina-


"You and your 'You can't beat me I control sheet'!!!" Kakuzu smashed his fist into the air towards Rina. A shockwave hurtled towards the Princess.

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Are thou insinuating that my technique is a sham?


i cannot be contained by the void...prepare to witness this the hard way...


I allow everything to enter the next dimension, and decide to repair the Gundam...AGAIN.


"Ill be back..." I said.


There was no way that i could be defeated just be being sent to another dimension.


Ill break myself out as soon as the Repairs are finished.

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OoC: Actually my Void exist between dimensions and as such most people ahve their skills nullified and few can escape unless I let them. (Only 2 ever have)


IC: "Sasuke seems to be having some difficulty, I know I'll send in a few Void Dragons to assist him. And Kakuzu!"

Void dragons appear and begin attacking Rina and Kiba

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Rina's dark energy focused on 1 point to block the shockwave.

"Like I said, you can't hurt me easily. I control darkness itself."

The darkness enegy lunged at Kakuzu.



Sasuke was clashing with Kiba with his chidori, while he used his other hand to slash at Kiba with his sword.

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OOC: Cuz some sort of... thing.... Kakuzu.... well, I don't know! But you're also semi-controling my character...


IC: Kiba blocked Sasuke's attacks with shadows. He couldn't be hurt, the shadows took all the damage.

"Sasuke, it ends here! DARK STYLE: VOID PULSE!" Kiba's hand began to waver and become black. The shadows began forming a dark sphere around his hand.


-Kakuzu vs Rina-


"This has gone on long enough Rina.... I'm sorry to say I'm bored.... we will both die here..." Kakuzu rushed towards Rina, flashing and appearing behind her. He pulled her into a head lock and began summoning his chakra.

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OoC: Actually no. I'm just a very powerful being who seeks to become a god. Also I consider the entire world a game and you all are the players. Controling the Void takes alot of power.


IC: "So Kailyn is proving to be a thorn in my side. Very well then I guess I'll let her play through the next few levels."

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OOC: Gem of Abbadon? That was sudden.


Rina was struggling to breathe.

"You..." she managed to say. Then the shadown around her dropped to the ground and began to sorround Kakuzu. They sorrounded his foot and began their journey upward to engulf his whole body.



Sasuke's hair became white and his skin became covered in darkness. A black chidori began forming in his hand.

"Kiba... this is it..." Sasuke said.

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"YES! IT IS!!!!" The sphere was complete, a pure black void of shadows in Kiba's palm. He charged Sasuke.


-Kakuzu vs Rina-


"Nothing will stop me now.... you're fueling my jutsu with darkness!" Kakuzu's eyes turned black, his skin became grey, and grabbed Rina by he neck. He put his mouth close to her ear so only she could hear him say:

"Game Over...." Kakuzu blacked out as soon as his hearts were destroyed and shadows created an explosion that would make a huge crater.

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OOC: Pardon the upcoming naruto vs. sasuke copying.

"This will be the end of this battle! And all the battles we've had until now!"

Sasuke's dark chidori had a sickly dark aura around it. He charged at Kiba.



Rina's body was pure black, like the color of her darkness. slowly, the darkness retracted. Rina fell down to the floor, unable to move.

I can't move... I feel my mind slipping away... this can't be the end... I never told Sasuke...

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OOC: No Comment


IC: The ground shook as darkness enveloped the land, Kakuzu and Rina in the middle of the explosion. A fissure began to form underneath Kakuzu and he fell into it. The shadows still ravaged the land above him as he fell.


OOC: Pardon the next Naruto vs Sasuke theme

IC: "It.... ends.... NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" The 2 jutsus collided, disrupting the balance held in the universe. A dark aura bagan to form around the 2 friends.... but were they still friends?

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Sasuke stared at Kiba as the jutsu collided.




Rina just lay there, unable to move or talk.

I can't believe that explosion took so much out of me... if I die... will I ever... be rborn, I wonder...

A jolt of pain shot through Rina.

I don't think I have much time left...

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