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Chibi Knights - Chibi Knights vs. Darkness Knights (Finished, LOCK plz ^_^)


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*meanwhile...in the afterlife*


I sighed. Wasn't there a better way of beating a guy like that?


apparantly not. And now I was the one who was dead...at least for the moment. I came for a reason. To train...and learn how to bend dimensions...


I vowed to return and finish the job.


In the afterlife...time functions differently, allowing me to gain training in times far less than normal training...


However...the time frame I had for returning to my world was short...I only had time to learn one move...


I made haste to the nexus between the two worlds...thinking of everyone...


on my way...I found...and managed to speak with Kiba's dead soul...

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I need some replacements.... I have Water and I managed to revive Kiba's air heart.... I stole half of a Fire heart from Kailyn... I feel empty.... maybe I can just absorb elements along with a heart to combine them.... Kakuzu leaned back against the tree. The Chibi Knights had out numbered him. Normally, it wouldn't have mattered. But Sasuke and Gaara's specialties drained him and Kailyn felt no pain. He drained more chakra from Kiba's gem and tried an expiement. He used Earth Grudge Fear on the gem and put it in the trunk of the tree. He used the same technique he used to steal hearts and was suprised to see that, instead of him stealing a heart, the gem sucked life out of the tree. The energy was transferred to his hearts, restoring their energy and completing his Fire heart.

Kiba, you have so many unique things that endanger your friends...

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OOC: OMGAKITTY III, your pic has to be chibi, then ur accepted.


IC:Sasuke lay there on the ground, speechless at what just happened.

I... can't move... is it the curse mark? No... I have to kill Kakuzu...

Sasuke's hair became shorter and black, and his skin became pale again.

"I'll find Kakuzu, even if I have to track him down to the ends of the earth..."

Sasuke then saw Kailyn on the floor, dead.

"Another one... he took another one from me... Kakuzu..."

Sasuke then began to leave toward the forest, on a journey to seek the ultimate power.

"Goodbye, Kiba, Kailyn... I swear I'll avenge you... even if I have to give in to the darkness..."

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OOC: Before you answer, I am not asking this because I want a new character (I plan on keeping Kakuzu). My question is: Kiba's gone and now I have Kakuzu. Seeing as Kiba's gone, does that mean I can have another character?


IC: Kakuzu stood up. He was planning on going somewhere he hadn't been for decades.

Why.... Why should I go there? Then again, it might have what I'm looking for.... I swore I'd never go back, but times are desperate... I need it! Kakuzu set off going West, a dark silowet (idk how to spell that) against the trees.

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"Do not follow me... I will walk the path of an avenger... I will rescue their hearts from Kakuzu. I'm going to be in dangerous situations... I need to walk this path alone. If you want to go after Kaukuzu too, that is fine, but I need to go on my own..." Sasuke said, while looking at the ground with expressionless eyes.

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Kakuzu continued to walk. He had crossed several miles so far and still had a 2 day journey ahead of him. He could cover the distance quicker by sprinting, but he needed his strength for when he got to his destination. That's when he remembered the gem.

"Of course..." Kakuzu sprinted at his inhuman speed, quickly gaining ground towards his destination.

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OOC: Appearence must be chibi. Change that and ur accepted. (really, a 9-foot robot dosn;t make sense in a land of ppl who are like 1.5 feet tall.


IC: Sasuke began to walk through the forest, each step he took giving him a sense that he was losing himself.

I have to see Rina... she'll know what to do about this... even if I have to force her to remove it, she will...

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Hours passed. Kakuzu sat 100 yards from his destination, taking in chakra from the gem.

This is it.... It's time what is rightfully mine returned.... whether by force or not! Kakuzu walked over to a clearing and yelled:

"SAMBATAN! OUSHRA GLADRE!!!!" The earth in front of him split into a box and a 10 ft high x 5 ft wide hollow room made out of earth rose from the ground. In it was a man.

"Greetings! We have.... Kakuzu???? You! Why ha..." Kakuzu puched his chest, forcing his arm through his body. The man's body went limp and Kakuzu threw him outside the box. He then went into the room, said something, and the room sank into the ground.


OOC: Still haven't answered me Darklink.

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OOC: yep, go ahead and create another one, unless you want to bring kiba back from the dead.


IC: Sasuke's coming closer... I can feel him... but... I can't sense any emotions from him... except hatred... has he... given in to the curse mark?

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OOC: I was just asking, don't want to make one atm.


IC: When the room was fully in the ground, an entrance appeared in the open side. Kakuzu walked out and was greeted with suprised stares, several people even dropped what they were doing when they saw him. As if they didn't exist, he walked straight forward until he came to a chained up door. Kakuzu kicked the door with such force the chains snapped and the door fell over. 3 men, each bearing a tatoo of a certain element, looked up at him and snarled.

"How darre you come back!" or "I'll kill you!" or "That's it! Payback time!" or other sayings in the same manner assaulted Kakuzu. In response, he slammed his fist into the wall, crushing the rock previously there.

"SHUT UP! I've come to take back what's rightfully mine! You bastards will submit or die!"

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"He's here... show yourself, Sasuke." Rina said while sitting down.


"I'm here... so you can get this curse mark off of me... no... I'm here for power. I need power to defeat my foes..." Sasuke answered in an uncaring tone.


"I see... so you've finally acepted the curse mark, huh? Well maybe I don't feel like making you stronger-" Risa was about to say, then a sword was placed next to her neck.


"If you don't help me, then I'll just force you to..." Sasuke said, glaring at her with cold eyes.


"Fine... if it's going to be that way... I'll help you... but for a price. When your training is done, and you complete your goal, thewn you'll have to come live with me. Together, we can rule this land."

"I... accept." Sasuke said, as people flashed through his head. Kiba. Kailyn. Straydove. Ichigo, and an assortment of others... also... Naruto...

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-some time afterward-


With newfound knowlege and extended spiritual training...I was now ready to come back...


the only question was...how?


There was one way i could come back...and it was definately the most fun.


Due to Kaukuzu stealing half of my heart...I had a chance...


and with that, I began to link my soul back to the part of my heart that now rested in Kakuzu...eventually i would revive there...and I planned to destroy him inside out.


"Hopefully this works..." i thought to myself...


"just wait for me sasuke...I'll be back...Death isn't and never was meant to be the end of my journey..."

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Rina stood before Sasuke, arms raised at shoulder level.

"This mught hurt..."

"As long as I get power, I don't care."

Sasuke was shot with a blast of darkness that curled around him.

"For the next few hours, you will be trying to combat the darkness within yourself. If you succeed, you will be granted imcredible strenght. If you fail, you will lose your heart... please win, Sasuke..."

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"Hahaha! Your done!" Kakuzu stabbed the last man from behind, a sword sticking out of his chest. The man fell, blood pooling around his lifeless body.

"That's done.... It's time for me to take what's mine now that you bastards are out of my way." He walked over to a panel on the far wall and tore it out. Inside was a box.

"It.... is finally mine again....."

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Sasuke woke up in a dark place.

"where... is this?"

"You're inside your mind... Sasuke..."

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked, looking around.

"I am you. I am the darkness in your heart... and now you have to defeat me, or I will take this chance and take over you." A Sasuke that looked like the one that fought Kakuzu appeared before Sasuke.

"So I can't afford to take it easy on you. You're body will be mine!"

The evil Sasuke dashed at Sasuke.

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The box opened. Inside lay a large white stone of no value. Kakuzu laughed.

"Yes..... I'm now at my full capabilties..." Kakuzu held the stone to his heart, and he was given new ones. All except Kiba's, he had new hearts. The stone crumbled. His old hearts lay in front of him, glowing orbs in mid air. He put them in the box and walked out of the room. His old fire, earth, water, and lightning hearts were gone, anyone with a connection with them would find those ones, not his current ones.

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Kakuzu stopped. Something had recently entered this world partially through him.

What the hell was that? Kakuzu walked towards the room that was the exit and left. Up on the surface, he used the same technique he used with the tree but on the man's dead body. Having filled his hearts strength to exploding limits, he jogged towards the D.K. castle, still going faster than a human sprint.

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OOC: We need 1 more active member and we can apply to be a sticky! (we have me, el make, kailyn, and dark necro)


IC:Sasuke dodged Evil Sasuke's attack, but it scraped his skin.

"Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!"" Sasuke shouted as a fireball went torward Evil Sasuke almost burning him.

"Close one, but not good enough."

Evil Sasuke dissapeared and appeeared behind Sasuke, hand protruding from his chest.

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