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Chibi Knights - Chibi Knights vs. Darkness Knights (Finished, LOCK plz ^_^)


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Kakuzu suddenly stopped, now 1 mile from the Chibi Knight's castle.

"Kiba... you would provide an excellent replacment heart. And I could still collect my bounty." So Kakuzu stole Kiba's heart, which was still in good condition with lots of power.

"Excellent... a new WIND heart... this one is much more powerfull than the last!" Kakuzu continued his sprint towards the D.K. castle.

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He took Kiba... I will kill him! He will die! I will... kill him...

Sasuke's hair became white and nearly touched the ground and his skin turned completely black, and a dark aura started emanating from his body, giving off twice as much power as his curse mark 2 state. A few moments after, he collapesed, unconcious, to the ground, and the curse mark receded.

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"Sasuke happened. He used his curse mark and killed me. I faced off with him and Gaara, ran back here, stole Kiba's heart to replace the one I lost, and now I'm here. I'm going to the nearest collecting station... will you join? I may need your..... abilities if Sasuke and Gaara show up. So, answer my 2 questions."

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Kakuzu and Rina had walked at least 3 miles when they decided to rest.

"If you want food, get it yourself. I have enough for me and only me, no one else." He pulled out a piece of salted meat and began chewing on it.

Sasuke will come after us. I need Rina here so she can use her techniques on Gaara- to seal away the shukaku and on Sasuke- to corrupt the curse mark more. If all goes according to plan, Sasuke will be within our grasp and Gaara dead.... I can't wait to see the bounty I get from Kiba.

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OOC: o.O wow i sure missed ALOT...let me see how well i can write into this...



Upon reaching back to the chibi knight base, i had once again gone to sleep.


while I was sleeping, the fight between Kakuzu and Sasuke occured...


...all the while, I experienced yet another dream...


...there was one woman...she...looked grotesque... mismatched limbs every which one way...almost like a distorted marionette...


yet she spoke to me. "Surrender to your true self..." it said.


I retorted back..."you are not my true self...for nobody could be me...but me!"


It laughed. "you know...we shadows just love hearing that..."


I didnt quite understand what it meant. but I did know that it wasnt real...nothing was.


The creature spoke once more...only with malice in it's tone. "You know...while you lay trapped here in this dream world of yours...your friends out there are feeling the hurt. and I will make sure you're not there to help!"


I drew my sword...and it blazed with flames of hatered. "if you must insist on a battle, i will make it so." and so I fought with the creature...until it became so-one sided...that I had no chance of victory. It took the forms of Kiba and Sasuke...only to taunt me... "you know that you desire strength...otherwise one will die, and the other will suffer beyond death. Accept it! you. are. WEAK" I fell to my knees...defeated. Then...i spoke. "...perhaps...you are indeed right, and it is wrong to run away from my other side....but I won't allow that to stop me from continuing. do not try to stop me...and I shall become stronger." It stopped. realizing that I no longer denied it...it morphed into a more human-like form. then vanished into energy...and came within me.


I awoke...my previous wounds healed and a new strength awoken to. Was it all a dream? i wasn't sure. but i recalled the images of Sasuke and Kiba...


I ran out to find Sasuke...

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Kakuzu was finished eating and stood up.

"C'mon Rina, it's 2 more miles till the next collection building... I'm not accustomed to your magic or whatever you call it... but can you teleport us there? I sense some obstacles up ahead and prefer dealing with them after I get my bounty."

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"Perhaps, but i sense Sasuke and Gaara coming here. Shouldn't we take care of tthem first? If you fought Sasuke, he's probably tired, but Gaara will be trouble. If he finds us, I don't need you carrying money. Also, I'd like to see Sasuke first..." Rina said, looking into the distance.

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"Sasuke...wake up you weakling!" Gaara said kicking sasuke into the branch. "We have trouble..." Gaara said creating a sand barrier around him and Sasuke. "Sand Style: Sand cocoon!" Gaara said creating a Sand cocoon. As the sand hardened and became impossible, Gaara was concentrating on changing to Shukaku, "change into your curse mark form and hurry!"

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Hmph, haven't been here in about 2 weeks... Kakuzu walked up the steps of the building and kicked open the door. Inside lay a bar with every kind of beer there was, guys trying to get lucky, and 1 guy passed out on a table. Kakuzu walked over to the bar and snapped his fingers.

"I can't believe I have to go through this... I come here regularly... I'd like some gold, but milk in it and send it on the run." The bartender looked away and whispered:

"Good thing yous did it Kakuzu, we moved it on account that the old one is infested... employees bathroom, second stall." Kakuzu stood up and entered the dimly lit room. He walked over to the indicated stall, went in, closed the door, whispered "The wolf howls at noon", walked in the now opened wall, and looked at a man dressed in black.

"Well, if it isn't Kakuzu.... whats you gotz for mehs now?"

"Close the door. This one's classified."

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Sasuke woke up.

"What the... where am I? Sand...?"

Sasuke jolted up.

"Where is Kakuzu? Gaara, let me out, I have to go look for him!"

Sasuke punched the sand knowing it wouldn't work, but the sand instead seemingly exploded, and a gaping hole appeared in it.

This power... is...the curse mark?

Sasuke ran out of the hole.

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"This better be good Kakuzu..."

"It is." Kakuzu laid Kiba's body down on the table. The man jumped back and gasped in disbelief.

"Wha... How the hell did you get KIBA!? He's one of the strongest Chibi Captains!!!!"

"He killed himself, I stole the body, and now I'm here... be quick! Sasuke is on the loose looking for me and he might track me down to here!"

"O...Okay... I still can't belie... this is real isn't it?"

"Yes, it's 100% real. Now, how much are you willing to give me for him?"

"Well, this is an admiral feat. How bout........"

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Kakuzu... I will kill you... if you do anything to Kiba...

Suudenly, Sasuke stopped. A girl was in his way.

"Rina... let me through. Now... I will save Kiba..."

"You mean you'll save his body? he's dead. You can't bring him back. Plus, how can you beat Kakuzu?"

"Let... me... through..."

Sasuke looked at Rina.

The world went dark around Rina. She looked around, surprised, only to find a sword that was piercing her body. She screamed out in pain.

after a few seconds, Rina fell to the ground, clutching her stomach. Sasuke resumed his hunt.

What... happened? Was it his sharingan? When did it become so powerful? So... real?

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Kakuzu walked out of the bar, a fully filled coin pouch in his hand. He had been payed very genorously for Kiba's body.

"Sasuke should be coming... I don't want him to tear down this place... so... I'll semi-circle 1 mile and run back to Rina. He'll be around here by then and I'll be at least 10 minutes away behind him... perfect...." Kakuzu dashed away from the direction Sasuke was coming.

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Hahaha... I'm already farther along than I expected... Kakuzu was 1/2 a mile North of the collecting building, already heading back towards Rina.

Sasuke... even if you break into the body room, that slack jawed collector will break out all his security features... even poison gas... he would commit suicide if it meant stopping you, Kakuzu kept running.

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