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Do You Know Me?

Admiral Tim


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I think your the person doing the family Guy cards, don't leave tell you get it finished, compesh. Well, you can anytime, I was thinking about it, but decided to stay until I got to be a mod, hopefully, Highly doubt that will happen. So either way, me will be bye bye at 5-6 stars. If your not the family guy card maker person, you still shouldn't leave, not unless your life gets really busy, which mine will be in the next four months to come.

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I know you.


Larxene doesn't know me too. She does' date=' he does.


Sorry, but this belongs... here:



The Polls section. Yes. That. How do you know about Larxene? She's leaving... Me sad.

This Forum and the real world have a big difference, but there are a few similiarities, like You know Obama, Obama doesn't know you.



Larxene isn't leaving, she was last on yesterday, she's on my friend list so I checked it.I might be wrong though.

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