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Welche the crab

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"So you don't have any cards in your deck that are your favorites?" Zonixs said as he loked up at Leo's face. "By the way, I don't think anyone has noticed this about you, but your eyes change color when your ability activates." Leo was in shock. "Yeah... I was testing you just now. You have a Seer ability. My mother had it. My father had this." Zonixs smiles as reaches into a small bag and reveals a completed Millenium Puzzle, complete to Leo. "My old man was pretty shocked that I was able to put it together after he broke it."

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'Just the person I was looking for' Zirceus thought as he rounded the corner on his way to the vending machine. "Zonixs!" he shouted. Zonixs and Leo both turned to look at him. "I hope your not busy or anything, but I was bored and looking for a duel. You seem pretty good, as does your deck. What do you say???" Zirceus say a small pyramid in Zonixs han dwith an eye ofver it. His eyes widened. 'That's just like my...'

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OoC: Okay, why is everyone god-moding me? Minor godmods, but godmods all the same.


IC: Leo closed his eyes. ANother mystic. Jeez, why does everyone belive in all this "Seer" nonsense? He walked away, to the cliffs. He sat down, looking at the water he would die in. HE kinda wanted to know wether the girl he sent the note to forgave him. He sighed, and sat, dangling his legs into the water.

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OOC: I will duel ppl on yugiohnetwork.com /yvd cuz i cant duel by threads lol. And noo leo we're not godmodding you, WE'RE GODMODDING EVERYONE LOL :)


IC: "Zirceus, What are you doing here man! And Of course I'll duel you!" Zonixs tried to smile, but Zirceus looked at him blankly. "Oh yea, that thing, I know what your gonna say but hey, I had to show him my Millennium Puzzle, its only right, 'cause it looks like Leo is bought to go crazy. OH CRAP!!LEO WHERE'D HE GO?!!?" Zonics ran off, with Zirceus following behind him.


He went looking and looking until he saw Leo with another guy and they were smiling. 'Better make this mood good just in case,' Zonixs said to himself releasing some of the happy pheromone. "Leo, about what I was going to say. Come talk to me about it when you want to, but don't let it get to you, kay? I'm not going to disturb you guys any further, but me & Zirceus here are about to duel, so you can come watch if you want," Zonixs said gleefully as he walked away.


"Now Zirceus, let's get this duel going!" Zonixs said as he grabbed one of his decks from his bag. "Getitgotitgoon DUUUUEELL!!!!"

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Selene was alone in her room (Hiita has left the room)

She lies in her bed, her body is covered with her cards.

"No, i am fine, thanks for asking..." she whispers.

"Its just so many things in such a short time.

I have to get along with it, dont worry..."


Selene turns around in her bed.


"I know he has to feel verry bad jeah... But he just insults all of you! So..."

She gets quite again.

"I shall show him your power? Yeah, that would be an idea..."

Suddenly she grabs one card "Vampire Genisis" and looks verry suprised on him

"Now? But... Okay... If you say so..."

Selene stood up, collecting all of her cards and left the dark dorm, looking for Leo.

Walking down to the beach.

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ooC: Godmodding is not good! Also, the stupid blocking program on my computor blocks me from all sites my parents haven't approved of.


IC: Leo sighed, said a quick, "I'm Leo" to the person who asked him, and left, quickly, to find someplace quiet to jump. He sighed to himself. Everyone he passed, he saw spirts. What was worse, he heard snippets of the other people's minds.

"Why is that guy running?" Said one guys.


"That guy is insanely cute." Said a girl's mind, to another person. Male, hopefully. He eventually blocked it out, but he didn't like it.

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Drache looked again onto his deck and remembered what the girl said... "Spirit on cards?"... he took out from its bag a small wooden cage... he oppened it and inside of it a Blue Eyes White Dragon was in... his best friend gave him before going to other country "Maybe there is something we dont know about this game"... he got up from its bed "Still I dont want to show my deck... its better than being just here" he said and started looking for someone

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"Im just not shure, Jayden why did you tell me to come here," Hiita says, Sitting on the beach in the moon light she takes out Flame Wingman and looks at it.



"Hey thats a nice Hiita costume," Jayden says smileing.

"Im glad to see there are still students here that like the clasics!"


"And you might be," Hiita questions.

"Why would you care"


"Well its fun to come back to my old school."

"Whats your name," Jayden asks, still smileing.


"The names Hiita Coal," Hitta says shamelessly.


"Thats a great name!"

"Can you do me a favor and hold on to a fiew of my friends?"


Hiita is happy that for once someone dident judge her, "Yes I'll do what ever I can," Hitta blushes.


"Here, bye thanks for the help, Hiita the Fire Charmer" Jayden says smileing, he hands her a Black metal Deck Box and ruffles her hair.




Hiita smiles as she puts the cards up when she sees Selene "huh why is she down here?"

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OoC: I am noticing that there is a fare amount of duel spirit **** in this thread. I was hopping that this RP would remain grounded for a little bit, but apparently I am wrong. Just try and keep it just at the level that each person can see a duel spirit with the same "personality" as they have.


IC: Welche was using his virtual duel system, when he go a knock on the door. The person was gone when he got there.

Probably one of those young kids who get sent here for a month to see the place. he thought.

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