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Welche the crab

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Leo smiled, knowing that he was unnoticed. Bonds with cards? It wasn't like it had a spirt, or something. SOmething about this group....He looked at the 3 cards from a distance. He felt something wierd, but he thought, and decided that it's impossible for a piece of paper to have any sort of spirt.

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OoC: I'm actually using a deck idea i made a while back. I do have a couple of other decks, but i thought using this deck idea would be more fun than using 3 of my other decks. Soz if it causes any problems.


IC: Mashiro's just staying around the schoolyard, not really sure what he should do. He was bored, so he decided to walk up to a group of people and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Mashiro Sakamoto. Would any of you want to duel?"

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OOC: this is my app then


User Name: Mr.Wham

Role Play Name: Zonixs Truchen

Picture or Description: The only difference is his hair is red, and he has light brown skin and has jet black eyes. [spoiler=] http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj24/iceman320109/White-hairedanimeboy.jpg


Heres a better pic dc20990.png

Dorm: Stealtory (the decks are more suited 4 darkonus dorm, but i like black better then purple...+ Welche says so)

Deck Name: Darktown 2.0, Exodus into the Dark World

What Your Deck Tries To Do:

D2: Load grave with monsters get better ones/wbad asses on the field & sync + surprises

Exo: Exodia(hand or grave)/Ultimate Exodia (atk/exodia effect) + dark world +surprises

Age: 16

Bio-Optional: He has had it somewhat hard so he can be heartless, but is incredibly nice and personable. He has to go to a special doctor because he release various pheromones that can induce people to be happy, feel high,be friendly, draw attention to him or others, calm everyone down, or get aroused and other things as well. He can control this, but he doesn't over use it. He was studied in hospitals a lot so he feels somewhat at home in them. He is also great with medical needs. He tries to keep the peace but that doesn't mean he is always peaceful.

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OOC: Confused lol :) You'll see them soon enough. I just realized why tht dorm too hehe. Why am I laughing.


IC: Zonixs walked into the academy silent and contemplative, when he heard a yell and started to walk over in that direction. He saw a bunch of kids and walked over to another red-headed person {Hiita} and tapped her on the shoulder.


"Excuse me," he said warmly, "I heard a scream and I came over here. Is everything okay?"

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"They can be heirlooms, I suppose. That would make them special, but in the same way a postcard or a sovenier is special. Not because of it, because of the person who gave it, correct? Don't take offence. It's not like you're a spirt of the cards." Leo smiled for the first time at her blushing. "Love is in the air?" He chuckled to himself.

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