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Welche the crab

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OoC: New member accepted.


User Name:Brodioh

Role Play Name:Bj Barrakus

Picture or Description:Tallish, long brown haire and blue eyes boy.wears a black and white striped shirt and denim jeans.

Dorm:Not sure?

Deck Name:Magic dino slash

What Your Deck Tries To Do:Stall my oppenent with spell and traps, take out there monsters with powerful cards and increase my monster's attack.

Age: 17

Bio-Optional: A cheerful boy who enjoys dueling and having fun.

Prefered Place To Duel: near the sea

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OOC: Why is everyone leaving threads... :(


Zonixs told the dragons to gather everyone as they were preparing to takeoff. "Oh and one more thing," Zonixs said as he pulled out 2 cards. "Michico, we're leaving, and I'm gonna make it so you won't follow,"Zonixs said he uttered his special phrase. Suddenly, right before there eyes, Michico and her Dark Armed Dragon two face down cards appeared. "Make one move and that Spellbinding Circle will automatically activate, and you won't be destroying us, else you destroy you monster or worse, yourself. You are flying right now. Now, if your going to join us, make sure its as a friend and nothing else." Zonixs turned his head from the girl and looked to his dragons. "Now, guys grab those two and let's go get some sushi!" he said with clear excitement. With that his dragons grabbed up Selene, who was on DAD, and Leo, who joined him on Ancient Gadjiltron and sped off.

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