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Welche the crab

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"Nice start... really, im impressed.

I draw a card... Yeah exactly this one " Smiles at Hiita "nice idea to double summon those dragons, but what about this? I use "Change of Heart, take controll over one of your dragons, and tribute it for "Vampire-Lord"[ATK2000][DEF1500] "

When the vampire appears at the field, Selene gets happy.

"Say hello to my uncle Dracula! And now im using "Malevolent Nuzzler" to increase his ATK by 700! Come on Uncle, kill this dragon!" (OoC: Says, Vampire lord attacks dragon. Please post the position of your monsters next time ^^)

"It was clever from you to remove my turtle form play instead of killing her..."


1 Card in Hand

Malevolent Nuzzler on Vampire lord

Vampire Lord in ATK pos. [ATK2700] [DEF1500]


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OOC: There are rules we are just playing like the anime does, (4000 LP start) however the banned cards are a big nono. I think the person you were dueling with misunderstood you and instead supposed that you were allowed to use Change of Heart due to the fact in the GX anime characters often used Pot of Greed.

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Walking in the halls, Mashiro eventually heard a loud exclamation nearby. He decided to check it out to see what it really was, sprinting down the halls and even passing a sign which said "No running in the halls." When he got to the site of the scream, he looked to his dismay that the exclamations were only of a couple of duelists obtaining new monsters in the card shop. He felt rather apathetic over the pride in discovering new cards, but seeing as how he was inside a card shop, he decided to buy a booster pack. With rather no speculation, he picked out a pack at random and bought it at the register. Not really concerned about the cards he obtained, he opened it nonchalantly. Inside the pack were the cards: Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Ice Blast User Rice, A Legendary Ocean, Divine Spirit of the Ice Barrier, and Mother Grizzly. After taking into consideration the new cards he obtained, he decided to add only Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Ice Blast User Rice, and Divine Spirit of the Ice Barrier. He later gave away A Legendary Ocean and Mother Grizzly to a person he found in another hallway on his way to find the examination room.

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OoC: im sorry im going to have to quit i dont wana duel where there are no ruels and baned cards can be used im not trying to be mean I just cant duel like that.



OoC: If you say so? Anyway, you have played quite overpowered... I´ve only used cards i really own (and i´ve really drawn those cards) =/

Dont know they have banned Change of Heart... Sorry ^^


IC: Selene bows down in front of Hiita. "Im verry Sorry... Im using the deck of my ancestors (and even some of them ;)) and in his time this card wasnt banned. Im really sorry. I´ve cheated, you win the duell. And, even if the spirit of my father is going to kill me, im going to check my deck and remove everything banned.

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Hiita waks up to Selene, "Whats your name?"

Hitta embraces Selene, "Theres no need to apologize you are dueling with cards that are precious to you, and that tells me alot about you," Hiita leaves the embrace and smiles at her.

"Come on we gota catch up to the others in the shop we get free packs and theres 3 new packs to choose from!"

Hiita grabs Selene's hand and starts to walk.

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"Im Selene, nice to meet you..."


At the shop, Selene opens her first booster-pack ever.

"... And what are they used for...?" she asked, watching at creatures like "Mother Grizzly" or "Legendary Ocean" "Damned... looks like i have bougth the wrong booster for me T-T, but even so, I cannot feel anything inside this cards... This is just... printed paper?!"

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Drache reached his dorm and entered... "I need to make honor to Were " he said and took out its Beast-Warrior Boosters... opened them one by one choosing the cards that would fit on its new deck... "I think... you will be the Re-Mergal Death " and smiled as taking the 40 cards that made its deck...


OoC: I will post later in Deck section my deck for the RP

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User Name:Compass3

Role Play Name: Leo

Picture or Description: My avatar!

Dorm: Luticaria-The Light Dorm

Deck Name: Alchemy, and his other is black rose

What Your Deck Tries To Do: Uses element dragon, saurus, valyrie, to gain powers from attributes. Plant types try to remove monsters. Hopefully this one will fare better, as none of my decks are strong.

Age: 13


Thank you!

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Selene looks at him verry clueles... "You mean.. all of you are playing with ...Paper?"

Walks up to Welche. "Come on, touch this one"

Selene pulls "Ryu Kokki" out of her deck and give it to Welche"


*You feel something... evil that is sealed in this card... But for now its just wondering why you have it in your hand*


"Can you feel it? Do you feel HIM? I rembember this creature quite well... It lives in our cellar, until my father sealed him inside this card... Or wait! Try this one!" pulling out "Dispairs from Darkness"


*You really feel the dispairs, that is coming out of this card"


"When i was young, this one always appears if i went to bed. Hes one of my best friends... He never would let me down, he keep evil things away from me, and sometimes he told me storys..." Selene closes her eyes and smile, reflecting about him...


(OoC: I like the idea of having cursed cards ^^ Please let me have them!)

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