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Welche the crab

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IC: Zonixs was filling up with rage but he looked at Leo. 'Right I can't let this girl get to me right now I'll handle her later.' Zonixs ran over to Leo and flung him over his shoulder as Dark Armed Dragon came to allow them to get off. "Sorry, Selene but his life is more important than my anger right now! Adios!" he said as he took off on DAD and Gadji followed.

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OoC: Have no clue who the heck my match-up is...


IC: Leo quickly got a grip on himself. "Have a nice meal, I hope." He muttered, angrily. She wouldn't ever understand how angels work.




The old man, the gamer, appeared in Selene's vison. He simply stood, silently, waiting to be aknolaged.

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OOC: I know but a lot of people have disappeared altiugh i might be able to get Zirceus back here in time.


IC: "I've had to summon two dragons, I saw Selene go crazy, and well we're flying in the air. I'M FREAKKIN' AWESOME!!!!" Zonixs said with a big grin. "Time to sing!!"

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OoC: What the...? Somone stole my victim >=( Now im angry... Grrrr...


IC: Selene just saw this strange guy carrying Leo away. She like to follow him, when she saw that strange old man again.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"


Wow dude... your looking really nasty... Tehehe...

What a pitty im not able to touch you... I like to feel all those wrinkles.... Hihihi

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The old man gave a wicked look towards the monster spirts, and held up A fist. He raised one finger, than turned and vanished.




"Let's make this offical, then....Ugh..." He dailed into a achemy pager. "Okay, done. You want me to go first?" He asked, shuffling his deck.


OoC: SOrry if this sound like I'm stalling for time. I need to restructure my deck, as it's one of my worst...

EDIT: Finished resturcuture..

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Leo sighed. "Well...Just remember your goal, 'kay?" He reassured Selene. He then turned, and tried to hail Zonixs to come and get him. "Let's duel, 'kay?" He called.


OoC: DOkuro-chan is currantly in Wymoing...Not sure about everyone else! Mr. Wham, I belive you are dueling with me, as I requested a change.

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OOC: I do believe you are right.


IC: Gadji heared Leo's call to Zonixs and swooped down to get him. "C'mon child, this duel should be interesting, considering Zonixs isn't going to play with Exodia. I suggest you play with your favorite deck though, it will make things a lot more interesting," the old dragon said as he allowed Leo to climb onto him.

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