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Welche the crab

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OoC: Please stop it.. XDDD Cand stopp llaughing... man, cant even type the rpoper message XDDDD


IC: Now Selene was Completely dazzed. "... What in the transilvanian hell...?!?" Selene sits down on the ground, thinking about her live and what she may have done to suffer this...



Please, tell me, how old are you?


OoC: @Jonny my char didnt yell out!

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OoC: I'm 15, as well as my character ^.^ And thanks Jonny (btw you have the same name as me, except mine's Johnny ^.^ Well...my real name is Johnathan but yeah...)




Heero activated his duel disk. "That is...unless you don't have the guts"


OoC: Hold on, need to think of more burn cards ^.^

To YuGiOh Wiki!



OoC: EDIT: I FOUND MY DECK ^.^ Thank God for YuGiOh Wiki ^>^

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Ooc : dont use magic cards again T_T and yea ;) sounds good Johnny and Jonny :P




Ic : "NO I DONT DUEL COWARDS! atleast if you dont use ur lp draining COWARD cards! said Kurama ready to punch his face.


Ooc : My char want you to fight a real combat instead of a Duel xD

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OoC: This is Yu-Gi-Oh, home of settling with a Children's Card game o.o XD. Sorry I had to put that lolz. And besides, you seem rather scared of a little fire despite your dorm O.o


IC: "IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE FIRE, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!!!" Heero shouted. Suddenly he realized something. The whole purpose for coming here to was to find a home. Find friends...not make enemies... He stopped, and fell to his knees, sobbing.


OoC: Remember, he is an orphan without any friends.

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Selene was on her way back to the dorm' date=' when she got that strange feeling.

The feeling of... Sadness? Dispair?!

She looks back and saw that huge guy on the ground sobbing.

Selene smiles again and runs back to him.


OoC: He's not huge, and he ran off lolz


IC: Heero stopped. "A friend...? Yes...a friend...some one who would have my back...some one who I could rely and count on..." He thought


Heero shook hands saying, "Friends" to Kurama. "Friends.." Heero That was his new word of the day: friends. It felt so good to think it, but it felt so relieving to actually be able to say the word!

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Selene saw that crazy guy happy again, when he shook Kuramas hand "So its all about friendship. just you wait! I´ve got your weakpoint! Lets see if i can get you as unhappy as i want to" Evil smile


Selene meet up with him.

"Im so awfully sorry dude... I´ve said thing i never shall say. Please forgive me..." She starts crying (She only pretends to ;))

"Its just... i never had friends before... I lived in that huge mansion for so many years... never allowed to play with other childs, never allowed to do anything... Please forgive me..."

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"You sure...?" Heero asked. Not wanting to be rude, he reached into his deck box and pulled out his one of his best cards: Goka, the Pyre of Malice. "It may not be much, but I hope it's 2200 ATK will do you well. I'll let you read it, and see if you like it.


He noticed Selene walk up to him, and couldn't help but feel sorry. "It's alright, I forgive ya. I hope you forgive me too...if you need a friend, I'll be more then glad to help you out." Heero said.


OoC: Freak you Selene! Freak you! XD

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"Alright then , But im makig a new balanced 4 elements deck , he gonna be much better thant mine fire deck now" . "Calm down Selene , i gonna go eat , im starving!" but he went to Selene and puts his hand on her schoulder "Hey how are you , dont worry you will get plenty of friends here!" then he went to the cafetaria.


Ooc: Well gtg cyaz people ;)

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OoC: Back for a short view ^^ And' date=' jeah like to be freaky XD


IC: "Im so glad..." Selene hugs him tigthly. (Another one..., she thought) "Call me if you need something" she said smiling.

"I have to go back to my dorm, see ya tomorow?"


OoC: Im off now. See you tomorow ^^



Ooc : can't follow now xD who did you just hug? xD

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OoC: Evil Selene, definetly! Time for something I love to do!


IC: Leo quickly got on what he needed, grabbed a few items, and hid behind a small tree, looking at the people. He felt Selene's feelings, she was hideing her true ones.

"I belive she has some sort of demon in her. Or something." He sighed, fingering the cross-shaped broach which held together his white cloak.

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