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Welche the crab

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OoC: Thats your last chance, if you dont want to tell me after that, Im going to leave him ^^


IC: "You´ve watched my duell against Kurama? Vlad, one of my ancestors have a dark soul, but he just done those cruel things to protect the people he love. But you... I dont think you do this to protect someone. Maybe yourselve, but thats wrong!"

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OoC: Wow...I feel ignored Y_Y


IC: Heero fell asleep. While asleep he had a dream. A dream that was totally out there and the kind that could make him smart, the kind that could open anyone's eyes...he dreamed about...PIE! He hadn't had food since he arrived at the Academy! He immediately woke up and ran to the cafeteria, pushing people out of his way...even if they weren't IN his way...


OoC: Yeah...he's an idiot...

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Now inside the cafeteria, he took all the food that he could possibly find, and shoved it all in his mouth. One of the cafeteria ladies saw Heero with food in his mouth, but didn't know what it was. "Umm...are you okay...?" she asked.


"Nva btta" he said, his mouth ruining his speech...even more so.

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"When I was young, I watched something that changed me. WHen I reached the right age, I had suecassfully locked away all emotion, becomeing cold, like a block of ice." He inched away from her, even more. "SOmething here, I belive you, stimulated some sort of emotion, enough to bring them out into the open, after all those years...And they had turned strange. I couldn't help but insult you, say things to make you mad..." He trailed off.

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In her mind, Selene gots a evil smile "At last... So many dispair... Now i´ve found a source for all the things i need"

Selene smiles friendly at him "Come on. Let all those feelings out. Im here to support you. Im not even angry any more ^^"


Again Heero walks over them. When he starts to talk, Selene gets shocked. "What the... YOU again?!? Not the smartest one of your kind, arent you?!"


OoC: Please, go on playing! Dont run away after that ^^ I just have to be angry, now when you interrupt me and my new victim again XD

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IC: Heero looked at the Selena, square in the eyes, and said, "Are we going to duel or what? I don't have all day." Heero looked at his watch that he drew onto his wrist. "I have to go to bed in twenty minutes. Wait did you just call me stupid?!"


OoC: He's freaking stupid XD Yet he knows how to duel at a level that most people could only dream of....Not just that, he only gets scared once in a blue moon. (And you already scared him ^.^)

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Ooc: wow im only offline for 2 houres and i missed soo much >.>


Ic : Kurama was hungry , he went to the cafetaria to eat something but he saw Heero challenging the girl thzt he beated , He went to Heero and said hardly enough so Selene would hear it too "Dont worry i easuly beated her so it woulnd't be hard for you too" he winks to Selene and go to the cafetaria

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OoC: I'm sorry I'm practically rolling on the floor because of this! XD


"Now I suggest you leave this area now OR I'll burn you to the ground, where you can once again, rest in peace. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Heero said, his voice thick with anger and frustration.


OoC: And if you meant (Really good Rping XDDD) about me, thanks very much ^.^

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OoC: I'm not sure but I'll just go with it XD


IC: Heero calmed down some, then looked around. "Duel anyone?" he asked with a smile, as though nothing had happened. He then smiled at Selene. "Duel?"


OoC: He suffers from a mental illness that prevents all memory from when he gets angry. But he's not like the Hulk o.o He just gets smart XD

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