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Welche the crab

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"Damn you destroyed Sangan! [1000Atk/600Def] But i active his effect! When Sangan is send to the gravyard i can add 1 monster with 1500 atk or less from my deck to my hand!" puts a card from his deck to his hand and smiles "I soummon Anchor Knight in attack position ´[1500/600] and i use the magic card! Axe of Despair! it adds 1000 ATK points to a card and i equip it to Anchor knight [2500/500] now Destroy his silly monster.

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OoC: (I dont know this card, also google doesnt. Any effect?)


IC: "Ouch... Damned..." -600 LP

"Nice card... so my turn. I set another face down trap/spell card and summon a monster in face down def position!"

Card appears in front of Selene.

"Looks like my ancestors want me to win ^^"


3400 LP

1x monster (face down def)

2x spell/trap

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Ooc:go to www.yugioh.wikia.com and put into search "Anchor Knight" (rare card ^^)


Ic: Now i soummon Command Knight in Defence position [1200/1900] and i activate his effect i can now increase the attack of all warrior cards on the field by 400 points so Anchor knight got now [2900/500] and Command Knight got [1600/1900] . Now i use the effect of Anchor Knight "Inflict 600 LP dommage to you oppenent by discarting 1 card .

Puts 1 card from his hand and sent it to the gravyard . "Now your turn" said he smiling


Lp 4000

2 monsters

1 magic card

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OoC: Wow... really rare card ^^


IC: Damned card... Whatever, i tribute my face down card "Pyramid Turtle" to summon "Curse of the Vampire!" [ATK 2000][DEF800]


When the turtle vanished, a strong-looking vampire appears at the battlefield.

He looks at you, stretches his body and warm up.


"This is Uncle Vlad... He was the one who wins the battle against the turks in the 1500 century... Do you know how?" looking at him hopefull

"Looks like the old storys are going to be forgotten..."

Selene gave him a spookey look

"He stabbs up to 10 000 Turkish warriors and placed them on a field in front of the turkish army... Morale went down at the army and so he could beat them easily..."

Mad smiling Selene talks to the vampire.

"Come on uncle, stabb his commander knigth!"


Your turn ^^


3400 LP

1 monster

2 spell/traps

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"Héhéhéhé " Kurama was laughing "Sorry but ur uncly Vlad is dead , i use my magic card on the field Fissure! (you know the effect i hope ) Uncly Vlad was destroyed

Now i soummon DarkFire Soldier #1 [1700/1150] A warrior in fire appeared , he was swinging his sword . Now my soldier attack her lifepoints directly! The Darfire soldier moved his sword and a huge blast of fire hitted Selene. -1700 Lp's ^^

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OoC: Yeah... ^^ By the way, do we use banned cards? If not, please link me a page with all of them? im quite sure i´ve got some of them... -_-


IC: "Looks like i´ve got no monster in my hand to summon... So... Uncle Vlad? Would you be so kind..." The vampire jumps up to "Darkfire-Solider" and stabb him with a spear "...yeah, thats it"


"Your turn, dude!" Selene looks at Vlad and smiles happily

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User Name: Destiend for Darkness

Role Play Name: Tanaka, Heero

Picture or Description:





Dorm: Flamaré

Deck Name: Heart of Fire

What Your Deck Tries To Do:

Burn away my opponets life points and then go in for the kill with his favorite monster

Age: 15


Prefered Place To Duel: Anywhere


Sorry if you wanted me to PM it. I assumed it didn't matter because the title didn't say anything about putting it through pm.

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OoC: Yay ^.^


IC: So this is Elemental Academy...? I can't wait to beat everyone here and show why I'm the best! I know I can beat everyone!" Heero thought as the boat began to dock. "All duelists for Duelist Academy please leave the port and head to the proper dorm for which was assigned to you. Thank you for joining us on the S.S. Elemental Academy!" said a voice from the intercom.


Heero smiled. He felt as though he was home...no he was home. He was an orphan and had waited for this moment his entire life. A place where he belonged. Still, he didn't see anyone, which meant no one saw him, which meant a duel wasn't going to happen. "Well...I'll go wander around for a bit, maybe I'll find someone."

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OoC: I want to draw a monster >_


IC: Selene watches the darkfire-solider getting stabbed and giggles.

"Oh, boy thats funny... Whatever, i use "Book of life" to special summon "pyramid turtle" out of my graveyard. But im offering him to summon my second vamp "Patrician of Darkness"


Another huge vampire appears next to "Cruse of the Vampire"


"I dont know his story, he is one of our eldest ancestors..., whatever, im going to attack now!"

Attacking booth monsters


Your turn

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OoC: Where are you two dueling at? I want to watch ^.^


IC: Lost and confused, Heero pulled out the map. He went to his dorm from where he was, then put up his stuff, except his duel disk. Not even for a million dollars...would I put this up. Then he left his dorm, and went back to where he last was.

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