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Welche the crab

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Leo sighed. "Fine, wisegirl." He said, almost knowing for sure he was going to lose. Just his luck. He stood up, facing her, and pulling out the old, usual one, But instead of red and blue, it was bright, shining gold. "You first, wisegirl, though you hardly qualify as a lady."

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"Just you wait ...!!!" Selene whispers angryli and draw 5 cards +card from draw phase...

She looks at Leo and smiles a horrible smile.

"Looks like my ancestors are also enraged on you..."

Place a card face down, and a monster in face down defense position

"Your turn, infidel"


4000 HP

1x monster face down

1xspell/trap card


OoC: I only use cards, i really draw ^^ Hope you do the same

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Zonixs was absolutely shocked. "Well Zirceus, I guess we're not the only peolpe who want to duel today!! HAHAHAHA!!!!" Zonixs looked at Hiita, and said, "As for support, I'm going to support Leo for one reason and one reason only: I know he's good, but right now he seems conflicted. Sorry Hiita-kun," he said.

"Now Zirceus who do you think is gonna win?" he said. Zirceus was about to respond, but then something amazing happened: Leo drew.


OOC: Drache all you need is to get Horus Lvl 8 on the field... so not 7 cards 12, 2 Level Ups and the Hori.

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OoC: Who says I drew? Really, stop gomoding, even if it is minor godmoding.


IC: Leo growled to himself, and drew one card. He could see the cards in her deck swirling angrly behind her, making faces. When he managed to shut down the visons, he drew, and grinned to himself. Infedel, am I? At least I'm not senile in my young age, wisegirl. I will activate my card, tribute to the doomed!" A spell card spun onto the field. "I discard one card, and destroy the face down monster! After that, I will set one card, and summon my Fire fox (ATK:300 DEF:200) In defence mode!


Cards: 2

Back field: one spell/trap

Field: 1 monster

OoC: I'm supposed to give you time to respond...here it is! And yes, I am useing a shuffled deck, drawing too.

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OoC: Why godmodding?! I only drew a card... o_O?


IC: "You destroyed my Royal Keeper... But you need a trick to do this!" Selene smiles

My Turn! (OoC: Hope so, you havent done anything...)

Selene touches her deck and gasps.

"Uh... Looks like somone wants to meet you..."

She draws the cards and laughs.

"Ok, im going to present you to him!, but first i play "Call of the Mumy"

This card allows me to special summon a zombie type monster if i dont have a monster on the field... ANY zombie, and i use it to Summon "Patrician of Darkness!"! [ATK 2000][DEF1400]. Now im going to make my normal summon and i summon a monster in face down def position.

"unless you have no monster on your side of the field, im going to attack you directly!!!"


OoC: I´ve really drawn this cards, no godmodding. But i would like to draw my Vampire-Lord ^^



2x Monsters

2xspell/trap cards


4 cards in hand

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OoC: I ment, that they said that "Leo drew." I'm sorry, just godmodding, no matter how minor, upset me...I ment to summon a card, you see, but okay...I'll just compete my turn in the other post, editing it.


IC: "Not so fast, wisegirl." He said it a little less hurtfully and a little more playfully this time. "I have my set card, remember? Activate, Dust tornado!" The trap card spurng up on his field. "Destroy "Call of the mummy" before she can summon Practian!" Her monster spirts angrily came alive. Boy, she really did hate him. That made him feel horrible for some reason...


"I am assumeing it is my turn? I summon my Element Valkyrie! WIth a attack of 1500! And with my fire fox on the field..." He trialed off, scared of the face-down card. "Your turn."

LP: 4000

Field: 2 monsters

Backfield: None

Cards: 3

OoC: I am really drawing these cards, too. If you like, we could comprmise. Exchange a card in the hand for a card in the deck?

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OoC: Ok. so not direct attack and no mummy, but...!

Selene looks at him quite angry... "I really dont know, why everyone has a dust tornado in his back..."

"I flip my facedown card! Its Des Lacooda! If I flip summon him, im able to draw a extra card"

Selene dont look lucky with her new card

"I tribute this monster and now im summoning my "Patrician of Darkness!" [ATK2000][DEF 1400]

And attack your 1500 ATK Monster!" Selene just smiles, when it gets destroyed.

"After that, i set a face-down trap/spell card"


Selene looks at her monster. "So, what do you say about him? I cant remember exactly, but hes one of my uncles. He was the one who protected our families in the times of witch-hunting..."



1 monster

2 trap/spell

5 cards in hand

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"WRONG!" Leo roared. His elemental was unharmed. "WHen my fox-fire is on the field, this achermist gains 500 atk points!"


Leo glared at the monster, which hated him, like her, and like all the cards in her deck. "I think he's a load of bollucks. It's just a card, wisegirl."

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Ic:While he was looking around the dark looking dorm, Mashiro didn't seem to find any people at all. He was basically passing through each hallway until he came across the library to take a break. When he found a table to relax on, there seemed to be people around him reading and standing. "I wonder what they are looking at," he thought. Then taking out his cards, he decided to make a temporary replacement deck since he didn't feel like revealing his Water Guardians so early.


OoC: I basically put this up so i can be able to use my rl deck in order to duel others for the time being.

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"You asked for it, wisegirl." Leo growled. "Draw. I will first activate the card fissure. You now lose your weakest monster... And that would be the only one, Practien of darkness!" The hole in the ground swallowed Practicen up. "Now that that's done, I would like to summon my Element dragon!" He raised his hand, and a dragon appeared. "2000 attack due to foxfire. Declare attack! Achemist's mercury!"

LP: 4000

Monsters: 2


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OOC: I said 12 because he will need 2 level ups to get Horus lvl 8 on the field in one turn. And my bad you guys, really didn't mean to godmod, just tryin 2 be suspenseful.


IC: Zonixs looked around, a little stunned. "Hiita, Sorry for using a language, and why would you ask me if i'm gay...? Oh and I'm Zonixs Truchen," Zonixs said. "The Evovled Kid, unfortunately," he added.


He looked at Leo and Selene's duel and tried to read their moves, but then he started seeing things that weren't there like buckets flying with pigs in them. 'Oops. I'd better stop before it affects the others as well,' he thought before he stopped feeling high. 'That's strange, I usually don't release that, and i rarely release any of them without knowing that I'm doing it. Must have been from the duel with Zirceus.'


Zonixs watched the duel silently as he waited in anticipation for the next move.

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OoC: Always this large times until you draw again -_- Forgott about my hand cards, but i know "Waboku" as my 2nd face down card.


IC: "What have you done...?" Selene whispers angrily. "You cannot figth him with honour, so you kill him with a trick? how dare are you?"

Selene shook her head

"If you go on tricking, im going to do this too. I activate "Waboku" to save my LP´s."

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Leo growled to himself. "this game is all about tricks, wisegirl!" He said to her. "Your flea-ridden ansestors needed a reality check." He insulted, wondering why he kept doing so.

"There are no such thing as monsters! There is only power in these cards, power and those too weak to use it. Which, of course, you seem to be one too weak. End of turn." Leo began to cry, although he made no sound, no movement. Tears rolled silently down his cheeks.



OoC: Sorry, forgot to declare end of turn. It's fun being vaugly evil, vaugly good for a change!

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OoC: I really cant understand your char ^^ And before you ask, i have 3 "Call of the Mumy" in my deck ^^

IC: "You... Bast*+rd..." Selene whispers angry. "But just you wait! I activate Ligthning Vortex by discaring my "Dispair from Darkness" from my hand to the graveyard. Than im going to use "Book of Life" wich allows me to special summon a zombie type monster from my graveyard..." Selene smiles evil "And i choos my "Dispair from Darkness!!!" [ATK 2800][DEF 3000] (You have to remove a monster from your graveyard from play, i choose the "mercury" thing ^^)


The area is getting dark, evil voices are laughing from everywhere, suddenly the shadows form a monster, coming out of the ground. The creature laughs madly on you, seem to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time...


"Now im going to make my normal summon, its a face-down defence card..." Selene looks at Leo.

"Feel the rage of one of my best friends!!!"


End of Turn


OoC: Normally i would have attacked you with my face down monster too, but than this duell would be over, and i dont want it to end so fast ^^

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OoC: Yeah, my deck is really weak! I've been trying to make it stronger....Element dragon. I was just trying to make everything dramatic.


IC: "Draw!" Leo shook his head. "You will pay for that. Fox-fire returns to the field with it's effect, and I will set a face-down monster! End of turn, wisegirl. And I have a father, unlike you." Leo smiled evilly, wondering what in the world he was doing.

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"Belive me, my father isnt gone..." Looking verry spookey at him (maybe also somekind of mad ^^)

I draw my card and its... "


Selene smiles


"I summon "Zombie Master" in face up Attack position [ATK 1800][DEF... 0 ^^], and flip my Pyramid Turtle up [ATK 1200] [DEF 1400]... Now im going to show you the power of my ancestors!"


"Now... My pyramid Turtle attacks your "Firefox", Dispair from Darkness checks your face-down card, and my zombie master attack you directly!!!


OoC: Unless you have something weird in your face down card ^^

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"Well, that face-down was Yomi Ship!" A dark-looking ship appeared. "And it ferrys dispair from the darkness away with it!" Leo growls, andf his life-points dropped. "I shouldn't have used this deck..." He whispers to himself.


LP: 4000-1700


"My move! SInce firefox was destroyed by battle, he comes back!" He smiled. "And I'll lay one face-down monster, Wisegirl." Leo sighed, and fullly realized he should have used his other deck...

OoC: I'll edit my bio, and see if Welche approves of it...

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