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Two Words: Judgement. Dragon.

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JD has made alot of people better in the game including me so I can't particularly hate him. It is extremely annoying though' date=' when your opponent summons JD and you activate MBAAS, only for them to summon ANOTHER JD....




It doesn't take skill to use Judgment Dragon. Any fools can bury his graveyard in LS and lolJD.


I meant playing against JD. I agree it takes little skill to play JD. I also agree that it needs to be put to 1. But can you imagine Lightsworns without JD? So many duels were won just because of him. If you take him out completely, Lightsworns would fall from Tier 1 immediately, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but it would change how alot of people duel.



With that in mind, I guess JD has made a positive impact on this game. It's caused players to come up with rather unique decks designed specifically to destroy him. i.e. Debris Dragon Control (which got top 4 at a regional)


Exactly. So people should quit jabroniing and just build a solution. It's not difficult. Without him everyone would be jabroniing about Blackwings just because they can't afford Vayu. Glad Beasts wouldn't be jabronied about just because they are commons and everyone can get them.

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META is bad for the game....who's with me...


I'm in' date=' dawg.



So am I. Unless Koa'ki Meiru becomes meta for a reason other than because it can be anti-meta. In which case, a Beatdown deck became meta, which made the game pretty much go full circle.


f*** you meta players.


Fixed FTFW :3

I pretty much agree with Kingdom this time.


JD deserves to be banned' date=' simple as that. LS still has Celestia, Wulf, Plaguespreader, and the other ace cards of Lightsworn variant decks.


Also, judgment is actually how the word is spelled.


  /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [juhj-muhnt] Show IPA

Use judgment in a Sentence

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1. an act or instance of judging.

2. the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, esp. in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment.

3. the demonstration or exercise of such ability or capacity: The major was decorated for the judgment he showed under fire.

4. the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind: Our judgment as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence.

5. the opinion formed: He regretted his hasty judgment.

6. Law.

a. a judicial decision given by a judge or court.

b. the obligation, esp. a debt, arising from a judicial decision.

c. the certificate embodying such a decision and issued against the obligor, esp. a debtor.

7. a misfortune regarded as inflicted by divine sentence, as for sin.

8. (usually initial capital letter) Also called Last Judgment, Final Judgment. the final trial of all people, both the living and dead, at the end of the world.

Also, especially British, judgement.

This also says judgement is also a correct spelling.

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Well' date=' let me see you say that when Black Feather Dragon comes out. Konami has begun to get bored with JD and is seeing another Dragon. I've heard this new one is a synchro version of JD. Well Reborn, you're about to see alot more BW users, and less LS users.





That's because it's going to be the new standard of what's good. The least they could do is give it a better name.

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Guest setojim

Needs banned. I was on the verge of winning against a LS player with Dark Simorgh Tele-Dad. I had DAD, Dark Simorgh, and Solemn with 5600 LP left. He had 1200 and 2 wulfs up. He summoned celestia, I solemned because that woulda took away my advantage, i went down to 2800, and then he's like,"Okay, you wanna play solemn, well I'll summon JD and nuke for game!"

Another game i was playing a n00b who ran like light spirals, and Realm of Light and sheet in his lightsworn deck on DMU. I was using the new gravekeeper crap, and he was down to like 1200 LP or something, I had 2 Priests, Chief, and something else up with 2400 Lp left. He had a dead recharge in hand from me looking at his hand with DDV. I was about to win. He rips JD right off the top for victory. Pissed me off really bad. I lost the tourney cuz of that

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