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Two Words: Judgement. Dragon.

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It teaches how to utilize your side deck' date=' inspires anger management, enlightens the wise, and constructive use of your resources. People who throw lolTraps into their deck lose because Royal Decree and Trap Stun stops them, and it also puts a retarded morale boost to players who remove him from play with Karma Cut, thinking they are great until you drop Celestia on their face or watch Gragonith run them over for 4100.


Thanks to Judgment Dragon, 65% of most horrible players quit playing because they can't stop him and DERPADERP to their friends on how much bullshit Judgment Dragon is while they crossdress and cut themselves, when they are better off running Dark Gaia OTK on WC08 and pretending they are good at YGO.


Judgment Dragon also controls 8 Legions and can teach Math. He can learn the egg move Judgment, and he is the only card in the world that can kill Chuck Norris with a measly 1000 Life Points.



lol every1 shouldnt side deck a group of cards for 1 card. lol coz all your surgesting is that that because it can be counted it should not be banned. the side deck is to help against deck types, or to smokescreen your deck.


all jd offers ls is a cheap win, because if you dont have away to win when you have jd in your hand, you are playing him wrong.


plus he doesnt offer anything else to the game which is why he is bad for the game.


the only reason its still in the game is for 1 reason, money. ls is one of the most expensive meta deck (probably the most expensive) since the start of the game.

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LS is a pretty awful deck to play agaisnt...

you got to be worried of

Set Rykos

Luminas with good amount of cards in hand...

Foolisheds milled wulfs

Awful JDs...that comes to take your victory from your hands...


The easy fact that LSs makes combo decks bad are wnoght reasong to think LSs are bad for game...JD being the main reason...


BUT I will conclude with a more specific statement...

META is bad for the game....who's with me...

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Bieng a meta-user just means you use a deck tahts currently really good. I play meta because I play blackwings often. when blackwings die (if they do) I won't be meta anymore even if I use blackwings. if you want to win go right ahead, I see no problem.


alot of people shoot themselves in the foot when they use a deck far aboce thier skill level. like that 14 year old noob who got his mom to buy hims a JD.

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But Qa'lat it was you who comment us the other day that you were doubtfull on taking your vayusworn (A meta deck) to a tournament coz playing that deck made it lost the fun of playing it...right?


That's the part of the meta I hate....something like OK if X deck is a meta deck, stay in meta action...nut most of players use meta decks in casual games and laugh at less elaborated,,,or weaker (if you wanna call them like that) decks. then how is a deck suppoused to win agaisnt a deck that no matter how hard you try once they get an X card all your effort is lost...while they have donde nothing more than playing that card/s that bring them victory by default...what is the fun in that.....the game is suppoused to be that...a game if you take all the fun from a game away...there is no actually point on playing it...and Meta screwing were it is not suppoused to screw...is BAD for the game.


So the problem are not the meta deck but the meta in fact....mostly the people that think they are cool coz the never lost coz they use meta decks only..

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