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Christian or Atheist?


Which one?  

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  1. 1. Which one?

    • Christian
    • Atheist

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Baka' date=' when will you learn? You are a Christian! We all are in this great, big, magical world where Jesus and God (singular, of course) stand side by side and watch over the world. They create good when one is harmonious with nature, and destruction when one sins. They are beautiful together. <3



It's funny how most atheists don't get mad when questioned about their beliefs (or lack thereof)' date=' but [b']most[/b] theists have a fit when I question them. And I don't even do it in a rude way. <_<


Yes, I do wonder why.

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That's all a matter of opinion.


Think about the public schools. Atheism is taught in public schools. Do Christian's complain? Well, some do, to a degree, but that's the way things work. However, when Intelligent Design is even mentioned in a public school, somebody's parent(s) end up jabroniing about it.


So, atheists can whine about there beliefs/lack of beliefs too. They just don't do it as much cause, well. Its a lack of belief, so there's not much to be offended about.

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I'm in between as in still deciding and for those of you who have a problem with agnostics don't be jerks because thats what you guys are basically doing is just making fun of people who cant make up their mind about a religion so screw you

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I'm in between as in still deciding and for those of you who have a problem with agnostics don't be jerks because thats what you guys are basically doing is just making fun of people who cant make up their mind about a religion so screw you


Psst... Pick Christianity, we have cookies.

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I'm atheist. If God(s) or god(s) do(es) exist' date=' I'll be going to hell... let's say about 40 times (assuming 40 different religions). If your God(s) or god(s) exist(s), you'll be going to hell 39 times. So, you guys lucked out for one eternity. D:



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I'm in between as in still deciding and for those of you who have a problem with agnostics don't be jerks because thats what you guys are basically doing is just making fun of people who cant make up their mind about a religion so screw you


Psst... Pick Christianity' date=' we have cookies.



We also have Heaven, you can't forget that.

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I'm in between as in still deciding and for those of you who have a problem with agnostics don't be jerks because thats what you guys are basically doing is just making fun of people who cant make up their mind about a religion so screw you


Psst... Pick Christianity' date=' we have cookies.



We also have Heaven, you can't forget that.


So do 9001 other Religions. :/

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I'm in between as in still deciding and for those of you who have a problem with agnostics don't be jerks because thats what you guys are basically doing is just making fun of people who cant make up their mind about a religion so screw you


Psst... Pick Christianity' date=' we have cookies.



We also have Heaven, you can't forget that.


So do 9001 other Religions. :/


Well excuuuuuse me!

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there are two options' date='[/i']


This has been pointed out way too many times; if you don't get it by post #148, you deserve mental help. <_<


No sh!t, Sherlock.

You obviously failed to understand my post.

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This is stupid...


There are like...100 different sub-genres of Christianity and 100 different sub-genres of Atheism, not to mention Christian Atheists and was to combine stuff. I don't see where's the problem with that. But apparently it hasn't reached the mind of many of the black-white thinkers on this site.


Meh I reported this for lockage because it was necrobumped anyway.X_X And having a topic like "Christian or Atheist" is like asking "Olympic weight lifter or professional wrestler, AND NOTHING INBETWEEN".

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That's all a matter of opinion.


Think about the public schools. Atheism is taught in public schools. Do Christian's complain? Well' date=' some do, to a degree, but that's the way things work. However, when Intelligent Design is even mentioned in a public school, somebody's parent(s) end up jabroniing about it.


So, atheists can whine about there beliefs/lack of beliefs too. They just don't do it as much cause, well. Its a lack of belief, so there's not much to be offended about.



How is atheism taught in public schools? You just aren't allowed to practice a religion in school because that would be religious bias. <_<


If you mean evolution and the Big Bang theory, those are apparently scientifically accepted theories and are in the science books and part of the curiculum (oh god, sp?). The teachers have to teach accepted facts, although both could be very wrong (well, macroevolution, not micro).


Intelligent design is moreso a Christian-brought theory opposing evolution, basically blatantly states a God(s) or god(s) exist, and is just adding religious bias into the school. Not to mention it is a pretty bullshit theory and not scientifically sound at all. I'd really love to think that some random space superpower used his magical hand of JUSTACE and made the human race. That makes so much sense, doesn't it? It's not like we should question where this JUSTACE came from or why he put us here. No, let's just blindly follow whatever Meester Poap says.


Atheists only bitch about intelligent design because it's a bullshit theory that was made by a religion, for a religion, opposing science. And I'd rather NOT have my kid learn about religion (or their theories) in a public school. Find me any current school that teaches the geocentric theory as correct.

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Dark you forget that you live in the US and the US is not the entire world. Most schools in Europe teach healthy, reasonable, scientifically correct theories and facts.


Also because of that "bible belt" insanity group in the US people seem to think that intelligent design or creationism is an exclusively Christian theory and always excludes evolution. But I don't really care, I wouldn't send my child to a school that takes religion, meaning personal life, into official education.

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Dark you forget that you live in the US and the US is not the entire world. Most schools in Europe teach healthy' date=' reasonable, scientifically correct theories and facts.


Also because of that "bible belt" insanity group in the US people seem to think that intelligent design or creationism is an exclusively Christian theory and always excludes evolution. But I don't really care, I wouldn't send my child to a school that takes religion, meaning personal life, into official education.



I am much more knowledgable about the US education system, and I'd rather not post on what I have little knowledge about. And I've heard multiple times that European education systems are better, so I can't really criticize them for much.


It's not exclusively Christian, but from the way it sounds, you can infer that it was based from The Bible, which (shocker) is a Christian religious book. I don't care about private schools; they can do whatever the hell they want. But the second religion gets involved in my public school system, I am bound to get pissed. I actually envy those first Pastafarians in some random state, because they made a sound argument against intelligent design. Hopefully my school district isn't stupid enough to actually incorporate ID in the school system, but you never know.


And again, any phrase with "God" (except in the constitution, because our founding fathers weren't atheist, but weren't Christian at faith) was added later (1900 or later, most likely) due to some Christian organization getting all pissed and angry and QQd on us.


And I love how the Boy Scouts of America don't allow atheists to join. I never wanted to join, but now I can't. <3

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Meh if you believe that the world and anything in it has been created by the hands of a deity/higher force then does it matter if it's called Yahweh, Gaia or unknown chaotic evil?


Eh...if European school systems are better is hard to know, I know that Scandinavian countries have good school systems but the one where I live sucks. But so far I haven't heard of any public schools that teach something like creationism in Europe except a few religious schools maybe but even in most of them they teach science. And boy scouts usually accept everyone, I know a guy who belongs to the Asatrù (Neopagan) religion and is or was part of the scouts.=D


But I better hope that this stuff doesn't come over to Europe...>_>

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I'm agnostic too' date=' but you should understand that nothing is provable at all and we have to make logical inferences at some point in order for there to be progress.



Huhwut? Lot's of stuff can be proven. Simple example, I am what I would call a human. Proven fact.


But I digress. My problem is that there is no 'logical' inference to be made regarding religion. I'm not going to beleive in anything I can prove, and since nothing surrounding religion can be proven or disproven, I see no point in putting any effort in believing one way or the other.

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Atheists only bitch about intelligent design because it's a bullshit theory that was made by a religion' date=' for a religion, opposing science.



I disagree.




So atheists apparently bitch for other reasons. Kay, tell me what reasons and provide proof.



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Dark, I think you shouldn't look at things as if they were only black or white, and that's the feeling I get reading your posts on this subject.


Yes, Christians do get pissed off a lot when questioned about their beliefs, and you say you have a hard time understanding that, but if you think about it for a second, which I'm sure you have, you'll know why that is.


A fair number of atheists like to poke at religious people in general with things like "let's just blindly follow whatever Meester Poap says". This is completely ignorant, because we're not living in the Middle Age anymore. The starting point for Christian bashing is making every one of us look like a deranged extremist. How many Christians nowadays actually believe in intelligent design, Adam and Eve, Satan, the Flood (that killed every fish in the world, somehow) or any of that?

Most Christians nowadays aren't concerned about going to Hell. We're sensible enough not to lead our daily lives with Heaven as a goal. That's ridiculous. Yes, some people do that, but those certainly do not represent the majority.

Personally, I believe there was a Jesus, that he went around preaching a message that I think makes perfect sense and that I'm fully behind - I feel I can live my life based around Christian ideals. That doesn't mean I believe he walked on water, multiplied fish, turned water to wine and resurrected a man. It isn't necessary that I believe in all that to get the message, but back then, you can be sure it was. If there wasn't anything mystical about the preacher, nobody would ever stand behind him, and the Bible comes from way back then. It's not a modern piece of literature.

I also believe there is a higher entity. This is a personal opinion, I have no proof that it does, not proof that it does not. Regardless, I don't go around waving a flag saying "FEAR MY GOD, REPENT, REPEEEENT!". Most sensible religious people don't do that. Most sensible people know why you should wear a condom.


Problem is, institutions that are set on religious principles from its foundation just can't afford to be that relaxed. It doesn't mean the board of directors is composed of fanatics, but if the institution is admittedly based on Christian values, for example, then it must remain somewhat inflexible or the core principles of that institution will eventually be lost in time.

The Church is, in my opinion, a case where that inflexibility is exaggerated. And just because I'm Christian, it doesn't mean I will follow the Pope blindly. I'll still wear a condom and I honestly don't care about gay marriage, as long as they don't adopt; and even that has nothing to do with my religion.


EDIT: Wow, wall of text. Sorry. :/

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Atheists only bitch about intelligent design because it's a bullshit theory that was made by a religion' date=' for a religion, opposing science. [/b']


I disagree.




So atheists apparently bitch for other reasons. Kay, tell me what reasons and provide proof.




Bolded the part I disagreed with. Sorry u didn't understand my post. I fail at grammarz. Maybe the phrase "intelligent design" is relatively new, but the belief in God and a creator has actually been around for quite a while.


Dark' date=' I think you shouldn't look at things as if they were only black or white, and that's the feeling I get reading your posts on this subject.


Yes, Christians do get pissed off a lot when questioned about their beliefs, and you say you have a hard time understanding that, but if you think about it for a second, which I'm sure you have, you'll know why that is.


A fair number of atheists like to poke at religious people in general with things like "let's just blindly follow whatever Meester Poap says". This is completely ignorant, because we're not living in the Middle Age anymore. The starting point for Christian bashing is making every one of us look like a deranged extremist. How many Christians nowadays actually believe in intelligent design, Adam and Eve, Satan, the Flood (that killed every fish in the world, somehow) or any of that?

Most Christians nowadays aren't concerned about going to Hell. We're sensible enough not to lead our daily lives with Heaven as a goal. That's ridiculous. Yes, some people do that, but those certainly do not represent the majority.

Personally, I believe there was a Jesus, that he went around preaching a message that I think makes perfect sense and that I'm fully behind - I feel I can live my life based around Christian [i']ideals[/i]. That doesn't mean I believe he walked on water, multiplied fish, turned water to wine and resurrected a man. It isn't necessary that I believe in all that to get the message, but back then, you can be sure it was. If there wasn't anything mystical about the preacher, nobody would ever stand behind him, and the Bible comes from way back then. It's not a modern piece of literature.

I also believe there is a higher entity. This is a personal opinion, I have no proof that it does, not proof that it does not. Regardless, I don't go around waving a flag saying "FEAR MY GOD, REPENT, REPEEEENT!". Most sensible religious people don't do that. Most sensible people know why you should wear a condom.


Problem is, institutions that are set on religious principles from its foundation just can't afford to be that relaxed. It doesn't mean the board of directors is composed of fanatics, but if the institution is admittedly based on Christian values, for example, then it must remain somewhat inflexible or the core principles of that institution will eventually be lost in time.

The Church is, in my opinion, a case where that inflexibility is exaggerated. And just because I'm Christian, it doesn't mean I will follow the Pope blindly. I'll still wear a condom and I honestly don't care about gay marriage, as long as they don't adopt; and even that has nothing to do with my religion.


EDIT: Wow, wall of text. Sorry. :/


Holy balls this kid has some smarticles.

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