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My Favourite Card that I made

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Hmm, I like the picture on the first one, and it has a cool name, but its effect isn't worth it. Discarding 2 cards results in a total card advantage of -3. For -3 card advantage, you need a REALLY good effect. All this is is a combo of Dark Hole and Heavy Storm. And using both of those cards would only result in a card advantage of -2. It's really not worth it.


The second one's rigged, make it weaker/make it more expensive.

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The first is WAY overpowered. Discard 2 cards from your hand to destroy all cards on the field? You need a life point cost, that is way too overpowered. The second card is overpowered too, it can be summoned way too easily, for an overpowered card as well. They need work, LOTS of work.

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Try revising the last one a bit to only increase the monster's ATK by 200 Points for every Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard, and change its original ATK to 1000.


The last card is a bit overpowered. Make it so you have to discard 5 cards, or put a 1000 or higher Life Point cost.

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