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Place a bounty on the above user's head.

Death Metal

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Rules are simple.


- Place an bounty on the head of the user who posted before you.


- Can be any amount.


- Bounty should be higher if you think the person above is hard to kill, and vise-versa.


- Emotions come into play too. If you hate/like the person above then naturally the bounty is gonna be higher/lower.


- Some bounties require that the person is killed with a specific gun or in a specific way. More complicated ways require more money. Although this does not need to be filled in. If left empty or forgotten then it is considered as "just kill the bastard anyway you want".

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3,000 dollars if u shoot him in the groin,leg,belly,arms,neck,and eyes. Then cut his eyes out hand pee in his sockets. Then while you bury him sheet in his grave w/diahrea. not that i hate u i just wanted to be creative. and if you shoot the basterd with a pump shotgun in all the areas i told u + break each body part off the money goes to 20,346 dollars :)

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