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|_) The Digimon Tamer Union (_| [Lock Please]

The Warden

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[spoiler=My DB Stats]


Name: MasaruYami

Level: 21-23 (haven't checked in a while)

Server: Antyla Server





Species: Terriermon (Starter)

Level: 19



Species: Agumon

Level: 18



Species: Gabumon

Level: 18



Species: Patamon

Level: 15





Also, anyone know when Lost Evolution comes/came out in Japan?

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Actually, it doesn't Dresden, what they want to be called saves us from writing out their complete username, like how we call Megami 'Kari'. To put it simply, I put the original username into the list so I can keep records, however, because everyone asks for a personal name, everyone uses that. Accepted the both of you.


Also, my time away has given me an idea for an RP. Civil war has erupted in the Digital World (I know, like my fic, but just go with it), and each of the families has brought a 'champion' from the human world to even the scales (as families go, Unknown and Dark Area are generally out unless they're from another family). However, the 11th Digimon Family, the D-Reaper family has arisen again to conquer the Digital World. Whilst the humans are fighting for their families, their goals may soon change.


There an idea, now, my Grand Duke of RPs, make it happen. Also Megami, I need to know what team you're on, as I know all the other details.

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Also Shadow I cant seem to add you its says a tamer named MasaruYami does not exist.

Oh' date=' my bad, it's MasaruYami[b']X[/b].


Its still not workin :S


I think we have to be on at the same time.

My bad again. That was the username to log-in, lol.

My character's name is KiyoSeishuku.

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