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The Warden

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ShineGreymon annoys me to no end. He's arguably the absolute worst -Greymon out there. He doesn't even make any sense he's too... human looking

Eh, Wargraymon was a bit humanoid as well.


I didn't like the Virus MetalGreymon, i mean, wow, reeeeaaaaal creative.


A palette swap.

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[spoiler=It's been officially confirmed that Baalmon turns into Beelzemon]59640571.jpg



Virus MetalGreymon came first.


And yes, WarGreymon was a BIT Humanoid, but ShineGreymon looks like he could be a Gallantmon expy, who is himself a Digivolution of a -Greymon expy, meaning that he looks the expy of his expy, which makes him, in my book, the biggest fail in non-dub Digimon history

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Here's what happens: Lilithmon kills Baalmon, Taiki cries over Baalmon's corpse (Just go with it), Baalmon comes back as Beelzemon. But ya, FINALLY someone that's not Starmon or Zenwhatshisface DigiXroses with the Starmons


I THINK it comes back a week from today.


BH should make us another contest.


Like redesigning a certain member of a canon-ish Digivolution line so that it makes more sense within said line.


Like taking the Ophanimon version of Salamon's line and subbing out Gatomon with a werewolf version of Nerfertimon (werewolf, not werecat) so that we're not going puppy->cat->fanservice angel->armored angel.

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-is the winner of the last contest by default- No one? Really? I'd say EXACTLY one


And I'd think that Baalmon would be Impmon's Perfect, not Mega, considering that after he revives, by standard shonen anime practices, he would get stronger, thus 'evolving' into Beelzemon.


Though if he were a Mega, then that would explain why Beelzemon '10 is in Blast Mode.


Does anyone else get the feeling that the creators are trying to turn Blast Mode into Beelzemon's standard outfit? First X did it, now Xros is giving him wings right away.


Also, Alfius, dibs on both Beelzemon and Baalmon in the club RP.

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It's true. The only reason I like normal Beelzemon is Behemoth and the Berenjena.


Also, Alfius, dibs on both Beelzemon and Baalmon in the club RP.


We have an RP again? O_o BH is he allowed to dibs my partner?

Actually nevermind. I've recently taken an interest in the more dragonic digimon.

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Think up an alternate combination for any confirmed DigiXros, like SkullKnightmon and DeadlyAxemon make both DarkKnightmon and SkullKnightmon Big Axe Mode.


My personal favorite for now: Greymon X MailBirdramon X Cyberdramon


Greymon straightens up and takes on a humanoid stance, MailBirdramon's upper leg armor attaches to his lower legs, the rest of MailBirdramon is attached a la MetalGreymon, with the exception of his tail claw, which attaches to his breastplate, Cyberdramon changes shape like Golemon did and becomes arm armor, his tail becomes a dagger (Note the triangular point on the end) and the rest of his body becomes a longsword, both of which attach to Greymon's wrist armor, and, presto change-o, MetalGreymon + Cyber Launcher becomes VictoryGreymon 2010.

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Hey Can I say a little something here? well you know digimon well of course that's what this club is built upon however awesome you may believe digimon is there is a little thing called bad games! I swear digimon games are ok time killers but you wouldn't want to reserve the newest game though depends if japan is making a xros wars game as well I'm just throwing this out there this has no point.

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