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The Warden

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I honestly think they only put thought into the odd numbered mini-bosses.


MadLeomon - Looks badass, has 2 badass Evos/Mode Changes (Final Mode kinda fails)

Neptunmon - Killed by his own trident. FAIL

AncientVolcamon - Aside from making NO SENSE AT ALL, his Mode Change/Digivolution was cool

IceDevimon - Shoved inside a popsicle, had a lame Mode Change, had a lame name for his Mode Change, got demoted in his debut episode, got replaced by the lamest Hybrid level EVER, fused with said lame Hybrid to make lame Hybrid even lamer, and then died before he could get a full 3 episodes.


Here's hoping Blastmon's first henchman's gonna be worth the MONTH LONG WAIT THAT THIS FREAKING SHOW'S GIVING US

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Shoutmon X5 has already been confirmed. He's a DigiXros of Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorurumon/Dorulumon, the Star Sword, and Sparrowmon. Shoutmon X4B has also been revealed, with Beelzemon DigiXrosing with Shoutmon X4 and turning him into a centaur with hands shooting out of his hips holding Beelzemon's guns.


Also, there will be a Beelzemon and Cyberdramon redesign, with Kiriha getting Cyberdramon '10, who will turn into the Cyber Launcher for MetalGreymon '10.

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1. Considering Cyberdramon '10 has a weapon, VictoryGreymon '10 is more likely

2. SkullKnightmon and DeadlyAxemon DigiXros to both DarkKnightmon and SkullKnightmon Big Axe Mode. Who's to say Kiriha doesn't have the same thing going with Cyberdramon '10 and MetalGreymon '10

3. Would SOMEBODY get Kiriha an original Digimon already!! First a Greymon redesign, then a Birdramon subspecies, then a plain Golemon, now a Cyberdramon redesign, come on you lazy bastards lol. Even his DigiXros is just a redesign.

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