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|_) The Digimon Tamer Union (_| [Lock Please]

The Warden

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The point is there are no set rules for digivolving.

In 02 they made it seem as if you could only get armour digimon through the digi-egs, but watching other series shows us that they can digivolve naturally aswell.

Whats to say that Shoutmon X2 isn't just a natural digivolution of Shoutmon, but he needs to digi-xros in that dimension.

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Well considering that everyone Shoutmon DigiXroses with is mechanical/a child abusing sword and everything MadLeomon DigiXrosed with is organic, wouldn't it be reasonable to assuming that Orochi and Final Modes are at least somewhat of a DigiXros.



Armed... I have no idea about Armed, but for consistency's sake, it's a DigiXros too in my book.

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Are you applying to be in the club? In which once you've filled in the form I will say hello.


Or are you asking for a partner. Because if you are GTFO.


Or option three asking for a partner to join the club. If you are just look at the first post.


Actually I am appling to the club and I have changed my mind about which partner I want. Now I want Chronamon (final stage Apollomon).

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