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|_) The Digimon Tamer Union (_| [Lock Please]

The Warden

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I see Nexev, I want you to know I only allow one partner change period. And Lucemon Chaos Mode ain't a mega.

I was mainly refering to the fact everyone wants this all powerful digimon as there partner so they can think they are more badass by having a cool digimon.


That and no one likes weak digimon.


But I do.

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Hold it!


You have to use the app remenber?


You can't walk in say your accepted and just be accepted.



That defeats the entire reason we can accept people! Cause if even failing to do standard protocol can get you in then why not auto accept everyone?

Tamer Name (what you want to be called): Alex


Side: Night Crow



Reason for Joining: I like the digimon franchise. Also, I used to run the Digimon Arcadia club and had fun doing it, thereforewe shouuld try another club.


Sorry if I caused a fuss, I guess people really like sign-up forms.

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I see you are dedicated to post 3 times, welcome, just, please touch up on your grammar a bit mkay? And you too .Jingle.


I dunno Nexev, I didn't really consider that point, seemed kinda immaterial when we started doing partners since everyone takes megas.

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Yeah I know, one of the reasons that slightly bothers me.


Only slightly.


I decided I'll let you decide where to put me. Dresden may not being doing as well as the rp preoccupies his mind.


And maybe I can find a gfxer to be our turtle.


I'll look.

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