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|_) The Digimon Tamer Union (_| [Lock Please]

The Warden

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Shoutmon abuses them too, and so far all the Digimon that can DigiXros, Pickmon possibly excluded, are confirmed as not having a Level at all. They're not Fresh, In-Training, Rookies, Champions, Ultimates, Megas, Hybrids, or Armors. They're not a gimmick Level. They don't have a Level at all, and, because of that, they can't Digivolve anymore than your cat can Digivolve into that thing from The Neverending Story

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Shoutmon abuses them too, and so far all the Digimon that can DigiXros, Pickmon possibly excluded, are confirmed as not having a Level at all. They're not Fresh, In-Training, Rookies, Champions, Ultimates, Megas, Hybrids, or Armors. They're not a gimmick Level. They don't have a Level at all, and, because of that, they can't Digivolve anymore than your cat can Digivolve into that thing from The Neverending Story

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No idea.


Agumon, Veemon, and Guilmon were there. If Agunimon is there, then Xros Wars is a fusion of the previous series. Wasn't the main character enough?


I mean....

Like most of the lead protagonists' date=' Taiki wears goggles. Interestingly, his design resembles a "fusion" of traits of previous male leads. He seems to have a mix of Taichi "Tai" Kamiya's and Takuya Kanbara's hairstyles, with Tai's white gloves, Davis Motomiya's hair color, Takato Matsuki's blue shirt, pants and tennis shoes, and the reddish vest colors from both Takuya and Marcus Damon.



So yeah.

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It's a way I would never guess?


[spoiler=Here's a list of things I've guessed]

1. Paying Tamer Points

2. Paying Real Points

3. Befriending you.

4. Appeasing you.

5. Supported the club majorly.

6. Doing something super-special-awesome.

7. Inviting someone super-special-awesome.

8. Saving the club from something bad, very bad.

9. Making the club active.

10. Asking you.

11. Bribing you with points.

12. Forcing you.

13. Bribing you with real money.

14. Successfully haxzoring you.

15. Negging you.

16. Repping you with lots.

17. Find you in real life.

18. Discovering how to hax and hax this club.

19. Just discovering how to hax.

20. Creating a completely successful AI Digimon complete with every emotion.

21. Befriending a friend of yours.

22. Seeing to it the fate of the club.

23. Giving you free candy.

24. Giving you real diamonds.

25. Or pearls.

26. Helping you in your real life.

27. Suggesting something for you.

28. Doing something silly.

29. Giving you gold.

30. Claim I will do one of the above.

31. Raping you.



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