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Featured Clubs/Org. Application Thread

Flame Dragon

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  'Luna Lovegood said:

Hey Flame' date=' I suggest locking this thread when you're not accepting clubs.



I know. I normally would have this locked. Main reason it isn't was to get some feed back on the new app.


Since I have gotten positive feedback this will be the new application form with changes being made as needed.


With that lock.


Any questions or comments can be pmed to me.

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So, we have 4 stuck clubs meaning their are 3 openings.


So for all those wishing to get their club stuck read the first post and try your hand.


I'll be taking apps till the end of the weekend, so you have a few days to get them in.


In other news,


And on last thing I just thought about doing' date=' if their isn't really much of a chance for new clubs to be stuck by current ones remaining active I may make it so clubs can only be stuck for 3 months. This way we can keep getting new clubs, but also give a good amount of time to the clubs that get the spot light to keep it.


This is likely to be how I'm going to handle the stickies in this section. I going put this under rules (it will have better wording) this way we can talk about this without making it harder for me to find which posts are apps.


So post any thoughts on the new rule in the rule thread and ONLY apps here.

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[align=center] Name of the Club/Organization - The V.I.P lounge | Become a V.I.P today!


Link - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-172577-page-1.html


Date of creation of the club/organization - December 4 2009.


Post count of thread - 168.


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members - Yes.


Topic of Discussion - Fave Anime of all time.


Other - The Topic will change from time to time so you may want to change it to "Current Topic of Discussion".



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Name of the Club/Organization: YCM Inventors


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-174833.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: 12-14-2009


Post count of thread: 116


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members: Yes


Topic of Discussion: Club Banners, Fan-Fic, and Contest.


Other: We are a fairly new club but we have several well known Fourm members and Set a high standard for members.

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Name of the Club/Organization: Elite Force Dragon Club


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-146697.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: 08-13-2009


Post count of thread: 3,731


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members: Yes


Topic of Discussion: Yu-Gi-Oh TCG (We talk about current and new rules and how they should be improved and what cards we think should be Banned or Limited)

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Name of the Club/Organization: Club Pikachu


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-54144.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: July 10th 2008


Post count of thread: As of December 17th 2009 15:29 (GMT +8), 17,696.


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members: Of course.


Topic of Discussion: Main discussion is on Pokemon. Topics will be slightly chanegd when major events occur on YCM and/or a new member arrives, at that time we welcome the new member.

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Name of the Club/Organization:The MegaVerse Anime Club


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-145542.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: 08-09-2009, 01:07 PM


Post count of thread: 9,123


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members:Yes


Topic of Discussion: We talk about anime and we also talk about music. We try to help members with anything they need and problems in real life. We're trying to become brothers and sisters not just friends. Thank you and i hope you pick us, we're really trying to become stickied

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Name of the Club/Organization: Café N00b


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-134986.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: Wednesday, 8th July, 2009, 05:49 pm.


Post count of thread: Approximately 4,549.


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members?: Yes


Topic of Discussion: We usually talk abot anything, but our main purpose is YCM.

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Name of the Club/Organization: P.E.T Club




Date of creation of the club/organization:12-13-2009, 05:55 AM


Post count of thread:114


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members:yes


Topic of Discussion: We talk about the megaman games and series, have dicussions about our club rps,we do GFX for each other, and we have a Club Awards ceremony 1 a year(but since this club was started late 2010 will have 2 awards ceremony)

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Name of the Club/Organization:MCM -Master Card Makers |Where Card Makers Go To The TOP!


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-175476.html


Date of creation of the club/organization:12-18-09


Post count of thread: 105


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members:Yes


Topic of Discussion: Card making helping members be legendary card maker ,Deck maker,Dueler.

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  • 3 months later...

Name of the Club/Organization: Writer's Arena


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-186247.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: February 6, 2010


Post count of thread: 1,204


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members: I think it does.


Topic of Discussion: Writing, literature, and maybe roleplaying, but we haven't talked about it much...

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Name of the Club/Organization: Stardust Force.


Link: Stardust Force.


Date of creation of the club/organization: 09/07/2009


Post count of thread: At this post...7,502.


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members: Always - of course. ^^


Topic of Discussion: We have a lot of topics that always change. ^^

It's mostly either Dueling from YVD or Yugiohnetwork, or having a laugh - talking about the metagame and talking about each other. ^^ It's so enjoyable and feels great to run it. ^^


I have been waiting ages for this to reopen... ;D

By post count and members - we are currently the Seventh Best Club and it makes me proud to own such a thread.

In Clubs and Orginazations, I feel is the best thread - ever since I joined I have been there. ;D

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Name of the Club/Organization: $ Krusty Towers $


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-191799.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: 03-06-2010, 12:57 AM


Post count of thread: 2.369 (Maybe more)


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members Yes


Topic of Discussion: Anything. But main discussion is Spongebob.

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Name of the Club/Organization: The Elite Force Dragon Club


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-146697.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: 13th August 2009 ---> 13.8.09


Post count of thread: At this moment ---> 7,137


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members: Yes


Topic of Discussion: We mainly discuss TCG or things on the Forum, Like new cards that people have made or new booster packs that are being released, and over the weekend we tend to talk about the sporting fixtures that are taking place.

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Name of the Club/Organization: Ultimate Card Makers


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-192070.html


Date of creation of the club/organization: 03-07-2010


Post count of thread: 481


Does your organization/club have at least 10 active members : It should have. But we are a new club and we are getting a lot of new members. So if we got stickied we would become really active.


Topic of Discussion: Card making and other Yugioh Card descusions.


The Reason we should be stickied is because we are the only Card Making Club in YCM (I think).

We rate each others cards and try to make them better. We also discuss about Real Yugioh cards such as Your favourite card or will Black Feather dragon be a good card.

We have some good card makers and AquaMaster on other guys have been posting a lot of cards. I can see that members in our club are getting better.

YCM needs a Card Making Club an we are here

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