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Awesome Tuner


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This is alot better than my last card.


Cyclone Synchron


Level 3

1200 ATK

600 DEF

Wind Attribute


Effect: This monster gains a 1000 ATK/DEF Terrain Boost on any Terrain other than Normal Terrain. On Normal Terrain, this Monster loses 500 ATK/DEF Points


(By Normal Terrain I mean a when no Field Spell is in effect)

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While there is an active Field Spell Card on the field' date=' this card gains 1000 ATK and DEF. Otherwise, this card loses 500 ATK and DEF.


Its effect isn't that great, but made a little better because it's a tuner. I'd still rather run Psychic Commander over this.



Yes, this is much better, and yes it isn 't a great Tuner. 6 (four)/10. And yes, there is a story behind that.

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