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Allied in Hatred... AOJ Thread


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Ally Gardna


Level: 3


If an "Ally of Justice" monster you control would be destroyed, you can remove this card in your Graveyard from play, and it is not destroyed. Then, any damage you would take becomes 0.

ATK/ 0

DEF/ 0


Ally of Justice Over Reverser


Level: 3


All LIGHT monsters on the field are changed to face-up attack position and cannot change their battle positions, including with card effects.

ATK/ 800

DEF/ 800


Ally of Justice Reserve Protector


Level: 3


When a LIGHT monster's effect sends cards from the Deck to the Graveyard, you can Tribute this card to negate that effect and destroy that monster.

ATK/ 1200

DEF/ 0


Ally of Justice Spark Converter


Level: 1


Your opponent's face-up monsters are treated as LIGHT.

ATK/ 500

DEF/ 1000


Ally of Justice Iron Talon


Level: 9


"Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator" + 1 more more non-Tuner "Ally of Justice" monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, destroy all LIGHT monsters your opponent controls. Your opponent cannot summon LIGHT monsters.

ATK/ 3300

DEF/ 2200


Ally Program

Normal Spell

Activate only when your opponent controls a LIGHT monster. Draw 2 cards, and then send all "Ally of Justice" monsters you drew to the Graveyard.


Alliance Buster

Continuous Spell

Once per turn, if your opponent controls a LIGHT monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon 1 "Ally of Justice" monster from your hand to Graveyard.


Ally Change

Continuous Trap

All Monsters your opponent controls or that are in their Graveyard are treated as LIGHT.


Ally Force

Continuous Trap

While you control an "Ally of Justice" monster, LIGHT monsters your opponent controls cannot attack or activate their effects.


More to come.

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Needs an AOJ monster that makes the opponent's monsters LIGHT, I'm glad you did the trap, but they need a monster too, since they're still limited too far otherwise. Apart from that, I like them all except for Talon, which seems too simple, and Ally Program, which I don't think needs the discard part.

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Needs an AOJ monster that makes the opponent's monsters LIGHT' date=' I'm glad you did the trap, but they need a monster too, since they're still limited too far otherwise. Apart from that, I like them all except for Talon, which seems too simple, and Ally Program, which I don't think needs the discard part.



I'll errata the discard part. That monster is now posted.

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