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The White Tiger wants to talk to you..Ask it a question and you'll get a R E W A R D


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Are you really a Tiger and if you are what the heck is a Tiger doing on a computer?

Because I Am A TIger that likes the internet :D


Do you know where does Kyle Ward lives in?



~King Matrix~ Has recieved THE WT STAMP OF APPROVAL


Look at the link xD


Have you ever planned to visit other countries in Asia?

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Are you a Tomboy?

Of course im a Tomboy' date='If i wasn't,then i wouldn't even play YGO ^_^[/b']

Why can't I haz that cheezburger?

Because it costs A Zillion Buckz

Can I at least haz them fries? ;D

Yeah' date='sure,they come with the Zillion Buck Cheezburger Meal anyway ;D ^_^[/b']

What is your fav food


Can i have a stamp now sir?

Yes you may' date='um,Mister president of E[b']DFC

Thanks :) although you did spell the name of my club wrong :)

Sorry for spelling it wrong then ^_^

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umm...How do you explain colours' date=' excluding black and white, and what they look like to a blind person that has been blind all his life?[/b']

A blind person would see colours as nothing.If he has never seen anything,then t they would look like.




Why do they have frosted windows on the toilets on a plane?

They do? Well..Probably because Ice went in there or something??




I can haz cookiez?

Ya.100% Sugar.

What is your fav. kind of tiger?

White Tiger ^-^

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can i have the prize now???

Hmm....Santa Claws says to wait until Christmas ^_^ (I'll give you the present' date='don't worry :) )

Is your REAL name White Tiger?

Not really,well,Maybe for some Role Plays,SOME ^_^


Were you raised by a pack of White Tigers?


^_^ |/


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