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*Name - Rick Shuriken Hayato


*Race - Saiyan


*Age - 15


*Home Planet - Planet Vegeta


*Apperance -


Bio -Rick was the Brother of Vegeta,He was the oldest in the Family.He was a Super Saiyan.He had a pet Cat,Riku,to play with when he was lonely.A few years later,Rick grown up,and was a Kung Fu master.He learnt techniques from his Grandpa,Goku,and since he died,Rick is living his destiny.


*Techniques (5 max) - Spirit Bomb,10x Kamehameha,Bakuhatsuha,Kaioken,Death Ball


*Good/Evil - Good

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Nano smirks as he does this. "powerlevel rising, this might be fun" he then charges his own ki it demonic red. he hen blasts a redish Kamehameha torwards him slamming shengs gut as he charged. "i suggest you let me talk to the two saiyans" he then zooms torwards sheng tail swishing.

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Name - Raiku

Race - Saiyan

Age - 27

Home Planet-Earth

Apperance - http://stu004749.files.wordpress.com/200..._guy_2.jpg

Bio - Was shunned by his family for being too weak. After being given a mission, and being defeated in batttle by a "weak" opponent, he fled to earth in order to train and grow stronger.

Techniques (5 max) - Instant Transmission, Final Flash, Planet Burst, Kamehameha, Super Destructo Disk

Good/Evil - Good

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Sheng is pulled ino the tail trapped inside it not being absrobed or let out Nano standing there. "you gonna let me talk now?" he says to the half absorbed sheng (lol being in tail is half absorbed). he floats up to the saiyans. "now was i right about you wo being saiyans?" it asks.

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Clip noticed Sheng's ki signature starting to decrease. He stopped in his tracks as he was going after Reitla's ki, and turned around. He noticed a strange being trying to absorb Sheng. He charged up a ki blast and shot it directly at the creatures back, enough to turn his attention to him. "Hey! I don't think its a good idea to absorb other people. You might end up taking in something you might regret." He draws his sword and got ready to fight, but his hands started shaking while he held his sword. He started to get nervous.

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Nano blasts a Kamehameha which he splits into six, three homing in on each of the two attacking him. "i was planning on simply updating my current data on your species, but if you seem to want me to be more primitive like you and less diplomatic i will strike back" he say as the three hit Sheng and Clip. Nano turns torwards clip his demonic red ki bursting even higher. "i suggest you put those swords down, i have no need to kill either of you yet, be more diplomatic and save your skin through talking" he says harshly as he saw the shaking.

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Clip started to fear the new enemy, but his fear turned to rage as he opened his hand and fired mutiple ki blasts at him. "And trying to absorb someone so you can try to kill them is any better? I don't like how you act." He stated as he took his stance. He then charged his ki up a bit to try to stand a good enough edge against his new enemy. "Sheng, go and warn Micheal of this threat. We have to save the villages with little damage as possible."

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Nano laughs. "As i said i'm not trying to kill them, but he was keeping me from talking by attacking so i wanted tokeep himstill for a while". Nano charges down dissappearing in speed appearing right inf4ront of clip "Boo!, you want a fight or are you still scared?" he asks a large blue ball of ki formed between his hands. "if you fight the resulting attack from me has a low chance to leave you in good conditions"Nano says his red Ki covering the forming kamehameha the Ki pushing clip backwards slightly.

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Nano's ki relaxs then dropping so it was untraceable. he then flies following Clip. "why would i hurt the namekians? i was trying to talk to the two i think were saiyans and your buddy attacked me". Nano stands watching Clip's reaction to this as they reach the riverside.

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"I don't know. They have a mission and they fufill it in any way possible. Thats the Saiyan code as we know it." Clip stated. "And I don't think they are the same in comparison." He sat next to a rock and noticed something off, someone was near the area, but his ki was suprisingly low, making it a bit hard to detect him.

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"I don't know, but considering his hardheadedness, he'll be back pretty soon." Clip stated as he got up and walked up to the bushes. He noticed a small Namekian cowering in the bush. "I suggest you leave now. Just don't tell everyone about this." He whispered as the Namekianran away from the scene.

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