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When he saw that the guy was flieng to him his used his new tactic "Flash Combo!" He flied at high speed to the guy just under him and grabbed his feet then he rotated with the guy and released him toward the ground and then shooted Ki blasts on him

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the head of the first android was still around and said,"This is actuary kind of funny", he got a message form the original Davon,"that last ki blast it hit his hand, go to the blast site and get me the information i will need to test it." The clone,"yes master i should have power left to do that." The head started floating over to the blast zone.

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Ooc: I assume that attck was at me?


As the blasts were coming at Michael he deflected most of them with ease. "Now you have made your final mistake...KAIOKEM!" Michael burst into a rage and flew at the man with high speeds and kicked him in the side of the face, then as he began to soar through the air, Michael grabbed his ankles and slammed him into the ground. "Energy Ring!" 5 Energy rings shots at the man and he was now pinned to the ground by him arms, legs, and neck. "Dont go anywhere" Michael said as he looked back up at the other fighter.

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the Davon clone,"data complected do you want me to attack again to collect more data.", Davon sent back to him,"no form the data of his small amount of power he released....I am one of the only peopple in my forces that can fight him. My D.A.P. clone could do it0, but he was almost destroyed in the last fight we had, so i will be there in 2 hours."

"master i can do it"

"you 100% medal body can't take the energy from his symbolist attacks . i will be there in 2 hours '

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Basson had just allowed Michael to fight so far, I hope he knows what he got himself into.

He thought as he asked Guru "I wish to be powerful enough as you someday but I have one question oh great Guru. Should I search for Michael, or should I proceed with allowing him to do his quest alone?"

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Zak yawned and stretched. He glanced at his timepiece and realized he'd been out for most of the day. 'Man,' he thought, 'those ki control techniques take a whole lot out of me. Better start holding back are train more seriously.' Zak yawned agian and lazily drifted in to the sky. He cocked his head as he detected surges in several energy signals, one of them Micheal.

'Checking out the one closest to super-saiyan counts as training to, I guess,' He thought as he flew off in that direction.

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Clip looked at Guru then at Micheal. "I attacked you in order to kill you to stop the darkness from coming out, ultimately destroying the chance of it coming out and thus saving my future from evil and terror." he stated as he looked at Micheal, then looked down. "I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. It was the only way I can save the future."

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Clip turned around as the sword was headed towards him. As he turned, it went right into the sheathe perfectly. "Like I said, exactly 2 years into the future, a tyrant made from your ki will emerge and take over the world for more than 50 years, where I'm from. all I know about him is that he made of pure darkness and can kill someone in an instant." he stated as he looked at Micheal. "I have to stop the tyrant either by killing you beforehand, or by killing him when he's just formed."

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"Hahaha well there is no way I'm going to let you kill me now..."His eyes began to blaken again as he grabbed his head in pain. In the dark tone Michael yelled "Once I get free, you won't have a hope of killing me, this host is nothing compared to my power hahahaha" Michael was trying to break free, "No....leave...AHHHHH" Michael bust with energy and was yelling louder than ever. "He stopped and began to gasp. "He...was more powerful that time. Ok...I'm fine."

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OoC: Is Chip a Trunks wanna be or something?


"Hmmm. Tyrant. Dark ki. 50 years. 2 years from now," Zak muttered as he made jottings. He was hiding in a rock formation near them, his ki perfectly hiden from even the most advanced senses. "It is true the Micheals been acting rather strange lately."


He frowned as Micheal made his outburst. "But that kid's story ain't so farfetched."

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OOC: Clip is supposed to be this universe's Trunks.


"This was exatcly the reason why I said I need to kill you before he is realesed into the world." Clips stated as he looked at Micheal. "However, we could supress him in some way. Maybe some ki disrupters or something of the sort?"

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"And how would you know what it's like? Huh? Any slight amount of anger...it causes me massive rage!!!....I'm sorry....I need to try and keep calm....every time I get even a little mad...I can feel him...he's talking to me...Ok...so back to buisness, how do you get to Reltia?"

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"Maybe strike at what he would least expect we would, like we take down most of the android clones he sent here to stop us, maybe?" Clip stated. "Not only that, it could be an advantage if we lower that android count in case he sends every android at us to bring in quick kills."

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"I've been thinking about that." Zak said. "Since Reltia is taking so long to come, we might as well gather any form of resistances fighters we can, salvage some eqiupment from the the troops pods and ships then bring the fight directly to Reltia. Me, you, the kid we meet earlier, Chip here and maybe Mr Namek should be able to handle the Commanders. Aside from that, together, we might be able to take out Reltia."

"As for the andriods, they make themselves from scrap metal and the original hardly leaves the main planet ship. so..."

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