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Clip noticed Micheal was leaving the area, he started running and hiding in different places in order not to be seen. However, he started feeling heasitant as he realized he might have to fight him. This would be his first fight ever since he finished his training. He was sure he was gonna die in his first battle. What was gonna happen to his time when he failed trying to save what he stood for? That same question kept coming into his mind.

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The Davon clones noticed Clip and Keino. They started scanning both of them as they were talking back to the original Davon ,"new data to be added, first off power level."Davon said back,"make sure you are not noticed i need to see how sensitive there seances are."They both were hiding in the landscape obeying Davon orders.

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Keino Looked around and was checking the area , he begins to fly and arrives to a house , when there are 3 namekians getting out he said calm "Don't worry i'm in peace , but are here any other Saiyans or humans or whatever?" One of the namekian pointed his finger to the north . "Do i need to go there?" the namekian nodded . "Alright then , but need to hide my pod first " he took his and hidded somewhere in a cave then he made a small hole on the want of the cave so he would know its the right cave. "Now time to find them " Keino was surrounded by the blue aura and he flies toward the north.

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Clip noticed Micheal moving towards Guru's village and charged his ki up. He flew over to the top of the village and noticed him standing in the middle of the village, where the village leader, Guru was lving. He held the handle of his sword that he carried on his back and was ready to strike as fast as he can, trying not to avoid a long, dangerous fight.

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Clip's eyes widened as he noticed Micheal coming towards him. He sudenly fired a ki blast from his hand and as it was about to hit him, it moved away and hit the ground, leaving a small hole on the ground. He took out his sword and readied himself for a fight. "He defiently is the one that will destroy my future. I must kill him now to save it."

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As the blast shot past Michael, he noticed that the man drew a sword and was looking like he wanted a fight. "How are you?" Michael asked as he got ready for the fight "I've done nothing to you...but if your here to harm these people...I'll just have to kill you..." "KAIOKEN" Michaels body began to emitt a glowing red energy and he flew at the assaliant.

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Clip started to sweat and moved away from Micheal as he was in Kaioken. He was confused however. If he was the tyrant that destroyed his time, how come he is protecting the villagers? He must be covering up his acts he must've done already. He got out of the vilage area and held his sword up. He was at a huge disadvantage against him, but he had no choice but to kill him.

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Clip was falling to the ground, but as he fell, he quickly got up and did a series of backflips. As he was doing the last backflip, he did a series of quick hand movements. He placed both his index fingers and thumbs together and targeted Micheal. "BURNING ATTACK!" a giant ki blast was sent flying towards Micheal and soon collided with him, causing an explosion.

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Ooc: Ok now what Galesonic just did is known as an Atuo-Hit, and YES they are allowed in this to a certain extent. You just can't auto-kill lol.


As the smoke cleared Michael was in the air, a few marks but nothing to bad. "Hmmm well that was refreshing...I had no reason to get aggresive...but now I do!!!" Michael flew at him in a rage and right before he got to him he yelled "Milti Form!" Now all 7 Michaels surronded the man and all of them fired a Burning Attack at him and a massive explosion happened. As the 6 clones dissapeared Michael began to laugh. "Hahaha and that was nothing, so give up before you die."

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