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The Guru looked down at Michaels body. "The darkness in his heart comes from an evil presence that lies deep in him. It's a spirit that was created at his birth, but as he is approaching Super Sayain...the darkness is coming out. It will either destroy him, or cause him to go insane...I dont know if there is anything we can do..."

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"Hmm sure...Master Guru...may I speak to you in private?"

"Of course, everyone leave us"

After everyone left Guru and Michael talked...and about 10 minutes later, Michael yelled and flew as fast as he could and son he was just a spec in the sight of everyone...

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Davon was sending information back to the head,"head Re-unison create separate power to create new clone wait till they are separated, attack them and, gather data."


the Head was saying back to Davion,"Understood" it was slowly moving metal from the surrounding area so no one would notice so it could slowly rebuild.

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(OOC: I know you said none of the events of any of the Dragonball series happened, but I'm still gonna use the history of the Red Ribbon Army's rise and fall in the series as a catalyst for my character.)


*Name - Brigadier General Green a.k.a. "Android 10"

*Race - Biological Android

*Age - Appears 20

*Home Planet - Earth

*Apperance - Shoulder-length straight blonde hair with green highlights. A pair of black shades cover his azure eyes. Beige military uniform shirt with Red Ribbon Army patch on the left shoulder, unbuttoned and open, revealing his white undershirt underneath. Over his military uniform shirt is a black leather coat with the Red Ribbon Army emblem fully emblazoned on the back. He wears a pair of blue military uniform pants with a number of tears along the sides, some possibly dating to long before he was born.

Bio - Son of General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army. He was conceived through DNA reproduction as well as being almost dangerously augmented through further experiments by the scientist Dr. Gero. Such experiments Gero attempted on him were decades ahead of even Gero's time. When he was finished, he deemed Android 10 to be a huge success. When Green was just a toddler, he was seen breaking out of the test tube he was in and knocking out the guards just as Colonel Violet was making off with the entire Red Ribbon Army's treasury. Violet felt pity on the child and took him away from the battlefield with her. Upon the destruction of the Red Ribbon Army base, Gero, not having the time to gather his blueprints, was deeply saddened as he thought that 10 had been destroyed. Raising Green as her own son, Violet often spoke about how the Red Ribbon Army were just a bunch of fools to think they could actually conquer the world. Hearing these things, Green would often think that that was exactly why the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed, because it was a force of evil. If the Red Ribbon Army had been a military force used to defend the world, it would have survived a lot longer than it had.


This in mind, Green's objective is to resurrect the Red Ribbon Army in the name of peace and justice. He still lives with his mother in the refurbished ruins of what used to be Red Ribbon Army HQ along with several others who share his views about the Red Ribbon Army. He's even given some of his subordinates names such as what the old Red Ribbon Army was given, but has changed what used to be the rank of Blue to Azure, not wanting to give his father's title to anyone. Also, he rearranged the titles around other than Blue, though letting his mother keep her title as Colonel Violet, being in charge of the treasury.


He always tends to the duties of the base and even set up friendly relations with the King of the World and the local army there, assuring them all that the Neo Red Ribbon would be a force of peace and justice rather than of destruction and conquest. As Brigadier General, Green trains himself to his very limits as often as he can, even enlisting the aid of the hesitant Capsule Corporation and usage of gravity machines. As he and his subordinates train hard to protect the Earth, little does he or his subordinates know that whatever is going to happen to Earth is going to happen sooner than anyone would expect.


*Techniques (5 max) - Energy Absorption, Android Barrier, Bionic Punisher, Psychokinesis, Power Blitz / Infinity Bullet (I read on the Dragon Ball Wikia that Power Blitz and Infinity Bullet are pretty much the same attack, just different methods of using it.)

*Good/Evil - Good

Other - Because of containing Blue's genetic makeup, he is predisposed to homosexuality. When telling his mother Violet about it, she smiled, saying "You truly have that man's blood in your veins, don't you? Well don't bring any troublemakers into my home and you can date whoever you want.". Also, despite Green being an android, his body appears and feels almost completely humanlike, his entire skeleton is metallic as are most of his vital organs. Combined with medical nanotechnology, Green can regenerate any part of his biological body as well as preventing himself from getting ill or even succumbing to the effects of age.

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accepted...Dr. Gero is acctually in this RP lol. But yeah So far ONLY Guru and Dr. Gero exist. I might add others later.


Thanks for the accept. But if the Dr. Gero RPer doesn't mind reading over my profile a little and adapting it in' date=' then it'd give the good doctor quite a shock to find his successful experiment alive and well.


Also, if I can, I'd also like to apply for Colonel Violet at the same time as a canon. Can I do that without an app if I'm not gonna have her be a fighter? I mean, she's gonna pretty much be another Chichi / Bulma.

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I will join.


*Name - Kazan (No last name)

*Race - Saiyan

*Age - 40

*Home Planet - Whatever planet is suatible

*Apperance - long black hair, lifeless black eyes, black gi and armour plus armored leggings. About 5,9, 185 lbs.

Bio -

*Techniques (5 max) - Bomber Shell, Meteor Crush, Ten Thousand Fists, Dark Flame Blast

(If Sayain, you will get Super Sayain powers, but not from the start)

*Good/Evil - Evil

Other -

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Keino finaly arrived on Namek , the pod landed with a great impact . "Damn... i think many people knows where i am now" He then sighted and opened the door. "Well to be honest i don't really like this planet and those weird houses around here." xD

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