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While the others pushed their powers to the limits, Zak formed several energy forms. He had four large, charged orbs floating gently behind him, a row of four energy blades floating above his head, a energy rod on his left and right sides and eight destructo disk minis in front of him. "I'd like to see you try and stand up to this," he thought as he carefully regulated them, "I'd like to see you try."



OoC: At this rate, we're going to run out of energy before he comes. Besides, according to another post of his (he was in an epic battle), he just went to eat. Maybe we should have one of the commanders drop in, what you think riddler?

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Ooc: Ok glad you notice it haha. Now I don't sound so mean xP


The dream returned again, the visions of dark and light. The man...the voice! That is who it must be...but who is he...and what does he want with me...

Michael awoke on the ground and stood up. He felt no pain or wasn't tired. He was just lost...

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On a small city on Earth, a bank was at the midst of terror. There were police surrounding the street with pistols and shotguns hiding behind the cars. The robbers were carrying automatic weapons and had the intention to kill their hostages, which happens to be a batch of little kids and a few adults, because they had the field trip to the bank the time of the robbery. As the police waited and did nothing, a young man wearing a coat with the hood covering his eyes and hair walked past the guards, with them yelling at him to get back, but he didn't listen. He walked into the bank as the robbers noticed him and fired all their ammo at him, making a massive amount of smoke envelop the room. as the smoke cleared, the robbers missed by a long shot. The hooded vigilante managed to rush towards the robbers and subdue them, letting everyone out. When the police arrive, they asked what his name was. His only replay was. "If you must call me by something, it would be Clip."

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OoC: Davan, lucky for you there's lots of metal laying around from Reltia's troop's ships


Zak, who had followed at a much slower pace launched four of his mini disks at the android, causing deep slashes on his chest and completely severing his left arm. "Just because I wasn't here at first doesn't give you the right to forget me, don't you agree?"

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