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Y.D.A's Battleground - First Survival Test Started!!! (Still Accepting Members)

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Welcome all to the Wild Battleground of the Young Duelist's Association!


[spoiler=The Mission of the YDA]The purpose of the YDA is to be successful. We are nothing without our duelists. We're here to build the greatest duelists on YCM.


[spoiler=About this Branch]Here in the Battleground we are ment to test your resistance, pushing you to the limits of your skill. Tought Duels, brutal strategy, or survival at any cost. Thats the premise of this place. Remember that weak Students will not survive but be carefull, you never know when the small rat will show the teth!, and 1 last thing. Don't DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!



[spoiler=Membership Agreement]All are welcome to join. HOWEVER, there are certain things you must agree with.

1. You must compete in any events we create.

2. You must use Yugioh Virtual Desktop for all Official Duels.



(YVD Download)

During each Official Duel (All using Yugioh Virtual Desktop), all duelists are to create a "Log" of that duel and send it to the Brand's owner. Who will post it for everyone else on the forum to see.

For those who seem to have problems downloading Yugioh Virtual Desktop from Xerocreative's website, I to megaupload.com to use.

YVD Install Program: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1HRP123S

[spoiler=YVD TUTORIAL]

This will teach you some basic on YVD and how to log duel.

[spoiler=Knowing your YVD]

First of all let's indetify each important part of YD deck Building section...

First open the YVD icon in your Start Menu bar and open either the TCG or OCG version, the main difference between them is that OCG will allow you to play with a greater amount of cards which include DT cards and OCG only cards as well and normal TCG cards...(For now we will use TCG one). Once you click and the program charges you'll find a window like this.


1_Opening this option will allow you to change your current name, deck folder localitation and your YVD mat.

2_Click the update Version each time a new set is added to the card game it will update your current sets with the new one for TCG and/or OCG versions.

3_Name search bar (Obvious use is obvious)

4_Search Button

5_Advanced Search Button (I'll explain how to use it later)

6_Deck Box

7_Card Pool Bar

8_Move Buttons (to move card throught the DECck card pool Bars)

9_Forbidden Cards List + Format Selector

10_Load Saved Deck Button

11_Save Created Deck Button

12_Clear Deck Button

13_Open CHat System Button

14_Open Duel Section Button


[spoiler=The Duel Window]This is teh window were you'll going to duel, here there are some very important things you'll need to know when your dueling. First of all here it is the window


1_Actions bar (Here you'll Find all the moves you are allowed to do during your duels, i'll explain more later)

2_The Log and Conect Buttons(Read the next title)

3 & 4_Yours and your opponent's Field.

5_LP and turn Phase Bar

6_Cards Box (Here you have the number of cards you have in yours and your opponent's hand, Deck ,Extra Deck,Graveyard and RFP zone)

7_Your Hand (From here you'll play cards in your hand)

8_Chat Box



[spoiler=Logging yout duels]

Now the more important part How to log duels, and

Why are they useful?

Well in order to keep a fair play and evaluation process, you'll need to log duels and sent them to me...this way we can make sure that we are doing everything alright.

How the Log Works?

Before you connect to your opponent you gotta match the log duel option and it later will create a file that will be saved in your Log folder in the YVD installation folder...this will generate a text file that shows every move done on the duel...

How do I log duel?


This simple Steps will help you Logging your duels.

  1. First of all, match the Log Duel option in the Conect bar
  2. Once you do this agree with your opponent who will host the duel and then click either, Server Duel: HOST (if you host), or Server Duel: Client (if don't host)
  3. Now enter your verification account...(I can't remember well but you needing this doesn't mean you need to pay or anything...)
  4. Once you finish your duel go the the YVD installation folder where you can find the Utilities folder, inside of this you'll find 3 programs...open the Log Reader Compaq
  5. When you open the Log Duel Compaq...you'll see a list like the one in the image, select it all and then use CTRL + C to copy it
  6. Paste the copied log in a PM and send it to me...



[spoiler=Shortcut List]

this are short cuts for different actions that may be taken during the duels:

CTRL+ D = Draw card

CTRL+ S = Shuffle

CTRL+ F = Flip Coin

CTRL+ K = Search card in your Deck

CTRL+ G = Look Graveyard

CTRL+ I = Look RFP Zone

CTRL+ U = Look Extra Deck

CTRL+ O = Turn deck upside-down

CTRL+ T = Send top card of deck to Graveyard

CTRL+ W = Draw and show card

CTRL+ R= Roll Six sided Dice






So Apply now!


Here is the Application form.

Name: (Use your normal name or even a nickname)

Theme Song: (Every member has one)

Personal Opinion on Dueling Skill: (Good, Bad, etc)


[spoiler=Current Roster]

-Đædalus- (Commisioner of the Battleground Area)

Łεσ™ (Student) - Paparazzi - Lady Gaga

DemonX (Student) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3_aAmZlN4s

KWLegend (Student) - A Little Faster - There for Tommarow

Noah (Student) - Hero - Skillet

Dokuro-Chan (Student) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9WHQDncZRQ

Spartan919 (Student) - Bon Jovi - It's My Life

Jolta/Raspberry-Nii-Chan (Student) - Hatsune Miku - Triple Baka

Fallen (Student) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7M7v4nESvg

Skylar (Student) - Lazy Sunday (Not sure who made it.)

Kira (Student) - The Night - Disturbed

Luxord (Student) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly9rf9Nm70A

Archdemiurge Xarynubite (Student) - Arcadia - Apparat




[spoiler=Current Activities]

• Disscussion: Members You'll need to post an answer to the Following Question: ¿Which are your top 3 Favourite monster Type?

Results will be Used upon further activities so Please Post your answers..

• Introduction: Let's meet each other so, tell us something about you...

• Create you team moto to movivate your fellow teamates. Each moto will be then posted in the even box.

• Poll: What do you think of the club and its activities so far (Considering the current roster work). And what new activities would you like to have in the future.

• Nickname yourself as one of your team archetype member




[spoiler=[b]FIRST SURVIVAL TEST![/b]]So this is the time when it Began, As comissioner of the YDA Battleground I'm glad to Introduce you...THE BATTLEGROUND'S FIRST SURVIVAL TEST!


Now for the record this is an actual war coming here...let me explain how this will be work:

I divided the current roster into 2 different teams...(That means the the groups are aready made by me)

1st team is Dragunity

2nd team is X-Saber


What's your Task...

Using the YVD system the idea he is simple. DUEL FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! and if your team wins you'll be more close to the glory and exclusive benefices on this club...Now who will rule this battleground?



  • Each Official Duel must be held in the YVD system
  • All duels must be Logged to be evaluated by me...in order to mantian fair play.
  • You must duel Members of your rival team in order to give your teams points.
  • You can duel any member of your opponent's team as many times as you want.
  • Unfortanelly in order to give restrictions to the game only the first duel agaisnt a different opponent will count in the Points count.
  • Each time you win a duel your team will be granted with 3 points.
  • At the end date the team with higher points will be crowned winner of the first hunt task.
  • Everytime you are required to duel and opponent you haven't fced yet you must accept the task or your team will lost 1 point
  • Team winner will be granted with the Strengh Charm the first of 3 need to complete the way to a greatest prize
  • Also each team member will recieve a rep for the members of the team who lost (Only 1 rep will be given to each member of the winner's team).


The Start of the Game will be Tomorrow Nov 14th and you'll have until Nov 21th to recolect the all the points you can for your team.


Finally each team is here!

Introducing the Team Dragunity!


Points count:0








And then give a welcome to Team X-Saber!


Points count:3









[spoiler=To do List]

• YVD Program + Sets Updated up to SOVR - Upload by -Đædalus- (Done)

• YVD's Log and Use Tutorial (In contruction)

• First Club Mission (Nov 14th)





New Events, features and Survival test system will be introduced once we have a decent sized Roster.[/align]

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I've been having thoughts of this and I've decided that our first activity demans us to have at least 10 members...OK? so I might need your help to reruit strong people....


So Once we get 10 members we start...Meanwhile you talk or do whatever you please here as long as Don't spam too much XD...

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Yup...Well people I gotta go to sleep now...So I come back tomorrow to see..how the club is doing...remeber that when we have 10 member we automaticly are starting the Club first Mission...yeah I say mission...XD..So be around everyone please...!!!!!


First post updated with To do List...Check that always to know what activities are soon to come...


Well Good Night People!!!!

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