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Let me make on ething Crystal Clear...


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The Clear Archetype. An old anime theme come to the OCG and now the TCG to wreak havoc. Let's make more.


[spoiler='Redone Anime Cards]

Clear Phantom


Level: 4


You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". When this face-up card attacks or is attacked, and it is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, destroy the monster that destroyed it and send the top 5 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.

ATK/ 1200

DEF/ 800


Clear Rage Golem


Level: 4


You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent by a direct attack, they take 300 damage for every card in their hand.

ATK/ 1600

DEF/ 1800


Clear Cube


Level: 1


You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". If this card is removed from the field, remove it from play and Special Summon 1 "Clear Cube" from your Deck.

ATK/ 0

DEF/ 0


Clear Vicious Knight


Level: 7


You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". If your opponent controls a monster, you can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 monster. While you control "Clear World" and there are no cards in your hand, this card gains ATK equal to the highest Original ATK of a monster your opponent controls.

ATK/ 2300

DEF/ 1300


Clear Wall

Continuous Spell

"Clear" monsters cannot be destroyed by battle, and you take no battle damage from your opponent attacking a "Clear" monster. You can send this face-up card to the Graveyard to negate the activation of an effect that destroys a "Clear" card(s) on the field, and destroy it. If "Clear World" is not face-up on the field, destroy this card.


Clearb Sacrifice

Normal Spell

Activate only when "Clear World" is face-up on the field. Reveal 1 "Clear" monster from your hand, and remove from play from your Graveyard "Clear" monsters whose total Levels are equal to or greater than the revealed monster's. Special Summon that monster from your hand.


Attribute Mastery

Equip Spell

When you activate this card and once per turn during your Standby Phase, declare one Attribute. When the equipped monster battles a monster with that Attribute, destroy that monster immediately without applying Damage Calculation.


Attribute Explosive

Continuous Spell

When you activate this card, declare 1 Attribute. When a monster with that Attribute is destroyed, inflict 1000 damage to its controller.


Attribute Gravity

Continuous Trap

All face-up Attack Position monsters must attack if able, and they must attack another monster with the same Attribute as them before they may attack any other monsters.


Attribute Chameleon

Continuous Trap

Once per turn, during either player's turn, declare 1 Attribute. All face-up monsters your opponent controls become that Attribute, until the End Phase.




[spoiler=Some New Cards]

Clear Enchanter


Level: 4


You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". You can discard this card to add 1 "Clear World" from your Deck to your hand. Destroy this card if "Clear World" is not face-up on the field.

ATK/ 2100

DEF/ 0


Clear Falcon


Level: 3

[Winged Beast/Effect]

You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". This card gains 200 ATK for every Attribute on the field.

ATK/ 1200

DEF/ 0




Level: 6


You are unaffected by "Clear World". When this card destroys a monster by battle, apply the effect of "Clear World" which applies to its attribute to your opponent, until your next Standby Phase.

ATK/ 2600

DEF/ 1900


Clear Archfiend


Level: 5


You are unaffected by the effects of "Clear World:. If you control "Clear World" and no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

ATK/ 2100

DEF/ 1600


Clear Chimera


Level: 4


You are unaffected by the effects of "Clear World". If this card destroys a monster by battle while you control "Clear World," your opponent cannot Special Summon until your next Standby Phase.

ATK/ 1800

DEF/ 1600


Clear Gardna


Level: 4


You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". When this set card it targetted by the effect of a card, negate that effect and flip this card face-up.

ATK/ 800

DEF/ 2400


Clear Magnetron


Level: 2


You are unaffected by the effect of "Clear World". When this card is sent to the Graveyard to Synchro Summon a "Clear" Synchro Monster, draw 1 card for every "Clear" monster you control.

ATK/ 200

DEF/ 100


Clear Extraction

Normal Spell

Activate only while you control "Clear World". Draw 2 cards, and send 1 "Clear" monster in your hand or that you control top the Graveyard. If you cannot send a monster, take 1000 damage.


Clear Revolt

Normal Spell

Activate only while "Clear World" is face-up on the field. Special Summon 1 "Clear" monster from your Graveyard. Its effect which makes you unaffected by "Clear World" is negated.


Clear Impact

Normal Spell

During this turn, when a "Clear" monster you controls attack a Defence Position monster whose DEF is less than the attacking card's ATK, inflict the difference as Battle damage to your opponent.


Cleansing Transition

Normal Spell

Destroy all monsters you control, then Special Summon a number of "Clear" monsters from your Graveyard equal to the number of monsters destroyed by this effect.


Clear Blast

Normal Trap

Activate only when your opponent declares an attack while you control "Clear World" and a "Clear" monster. Destroy all face-up monsters your opponent controls.


Counter Clear

Counter Trap

Activate only while you control "Clear World" by revealing 1 "Clear" card in your hand to set on your field. Negate the activation of an opponent's Spell Card, Trap Card or effect Monster's effect, and remove that card from play. During the End Phase, return that card to the bottom of their Deck.



Continuous Trap

After activation, this card is treated as an Effect Monster card and Special Summoned to your opponent's side of the field side of the field (DARK/Rock-type/Level 10/ATK 3000/DEF/3000) (This card is still treated as a Trap Card.) This card's Attribute is also always treated as LIGHT, FIRE, WATER, WIND and EARTH. If "Clear World" is not face-up of the field, destroy this card.




As always, more to come.

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The new cards help bring a lot of consistency to the Deck - something I love to see - and are overall well made. I find it odd that Enchanter doesn't fit the normal field-searcher 2100 ATK group, but it has a second effect so I can understand. I could also see an interesting Deck made in RML Decks that uses a Clear Extraction engine with Clear World in the same way as a Bamboo Engine, but searchable by Terraforming.


Could you also pass some comments onto my latest Archtype, "possibly the smallest archtype ever" or something akin is the topic name.

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I like the idea' date=' like previously stated it adds consistency. Also, I personally think that most of the clear monsters could be useful in a non-Clear World deck. Due to the fact that while they are on the field you aren't effected by it, it could be used as insurance for when dueling a Clear World.



I designed a Deck I called Hopeless Vice that used Clear Vice and Clear World to add further card advantage to Hopeless Dragon. So yeah, Clear is splashable.


Added 2 support Traps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm... how's this?


Clear Scion




You are unaffected by "Clear World". When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can return cards on the field to the owner's hands equal to 6 minus the amount of Attributes your opponent controls and in the Graveyard.


If you can write it better, please do. Essentially the effect is your opponent returns more cards if they have less Attribute diversity.

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Clear Scion




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Clear" monsters

You are unaffected by "Clear World". When this card is Synchro Summoned' date=' return 1 card on the field to the owners' hand(s) for every Attribute among your opponent's side of the field and Graveyard.


If you can write it better, please do. Essentially the effect is your opponent returns more cards if they have less Attribute diversity.



Which defeats the point of Clear World. Shouldn't it be return one FOR each different attribute? Since they work against diversity.


That should be better. I'll ask thoughts before adding it.

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