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The new Ben 10 Aliens (3/??) *Longcat added*


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Title... Lets look. My first piece ofart here. Anyone could do it (I think).


You just need to hear of Ben 10. And the thing in there.


[spoiler=Pedo Bear]omnirixpedobear.png


[spoiler=Shoop Da Whoop]omnitrixshoopdawhoop.png






There, very easy to do. I did it all by myself. I was bored BTW.

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I won't tell you what I used. Why?


I watch Ben 10' date=' that's why I made this.[b'] I can see that you watch it >.>[/b]


If you watch Ben 10, you'll know about the watch. Yeah I know about it


If you don't know about it, you should know whose Silhoutte it is... ...


Answer this : Which Meme is a Paedophile? Oh Hem Effing Gee, you made a Portable Barney Pedobear =D


EDIT: LOL, I just noticed an "Information" button at the bottom of it, I can just imagine *Ben looking up Pedobear xD*

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