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Expiscor Terminus of Orbis Terrarum | [Basic] | Accepting | Started


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A small boat floated ashore, a man with long silver hair that cover the left side of his face walked off the small ship and then dragged it on to the land before letting it be. He then grabbed a small bag that was made from animal skin, and he also grabbed a long sword that he seemed to have made himself. The man then tapped up his left hand and then walked onto the land and began looking for something. He smiled softly to himself and then continued walking.

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October 29, 8:59 pm


We still have no leads as to who conducted the murder, and clues are also low too. October 29th.......this is the 12 year annaversary of when my brother Andrew proposed to his wife Crystal. I remember how happy they both where, the smile my brother wore on his face. I've never seen him so happy. Anyway, that was the past, and if we don't find this murderer soon, our future maybe in great jeopardy.



Damion closed the journal and reached into his pocket. Instead of the hanckercheif however he pulled out his wallet and flipped it open. Inside was a picture of his brother and his wife Crystal on their wedding day. A small tear dropped from Damion's eye as he glanced at the two smiling figures. A smile the came acrossed his face. He then fell back on his bed and fell asleep. The wallet still in his hands.


--figured a break a little forth wall, leonic should know where it's from ;)

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OoC: 6 pages in one day is an excellent yield! Too bad you left me in the dust...

IC: Shinji was busy with hammering a heavy axe head out of some of the cutlery he recently salvaged from nearby ruins. He put his work up to the light to examine his work. Its edge was in a uniform creasant and sharp. He approved of it and plunged it into the tub of water next to his anvil. He had worked most of the day, so he decided to take a walk. Putting his hammer into his belt and taking a good wad of chewing tobacco, he made his way down the street. He then noticed quite a commotion happening near the HQ. He calmly made his way there.


"Hey guys! What with all the commotion here? Did someone let the dogs into the meat again or what?"

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The man with long silver hair walked into the small town and noticed that it was empty. He then noticed that most of the shops were opened and abandoned. The man then looked around and opened his bag as he noticed that his supply was short and that the shops had more then enough needed. The man opened his bag and began grabbing foods and medications. He then walked over to one of the blacksmith's shops. The man then noticed a couple of arrow heads and then smiled. "I've finally found some." He said as he walked over to the choice of his pickings.

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Damion awoke from his slumber the next morning and went to get up. However he quickly laid back down due to a splitting pain in his head. "Gah!" he remained in bed but roled over to his breifcase and broke out a thermometer. After a minute it gave him a tempeture of 101 degrees. Damion sighed. "Guess i'm not going anywhere for a bit." he said and he rolled over in bed.


-- i really am sick today so i'm not gonna be on for today and possibly tomorrow, sry guys :(

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The events of yesterday hadn't shaken Jade too much as she awoke from her slightly uneasy sleep. Her scarred arm was itching even more, yet everytime she touched it she winced, forcing her to put up with it. She couldn't put her sleeves on, and she had to roll her shirt sleeves back. At least there's the meeting today to take my mind off my stupid scar, she thought to herself.

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OoC: Get well soon Stein!


As Joel awoke he glanced over to his left, the analogue clock he had managed to keep working read quarter to ten. "Sh*t!" he said, not too loudly, realising he must've slept right through the alarm. "Claire must be waiting..." he continued. He got out of his bed, quickly ran a comb through his hair and then flicked it to the right. He put on a pair of jeans and a checked red, black and white plaid, lumberjack style shirt over his plain white tee-shirt. Put on a pair of his normal baggy jeans, a pair of socks and stepped into his loose shoes. Grabbed a small wallet of sorts and left his house.


He walked down the footpath towards the farming establishments. He saw Claire on her farm harvesting the crops. "Oh sheet, it's that time of the year..." he said to himself. He jogged over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, he looked around to see who was where. Claire turned around to face him and as she saw him her face lit up, a smile suddenly came to her face.


"Joel, you're late you know." Claire said, with a slightly warmly humorous angle.


"I know, I'm sorry. I must have slept right through my alarm call. But anyway, I'm here now, isn't that what matters?" Joel replied.


"I guess so..." she said, she also looked around then kissed Joel on the cheek. "Look, I don't have time now, but come back here at two-ish okay?"


"Fine, but I've really missed you recently Claire, what with your marriage and all... I just can't believe we're doing this." Joel said.


"Well believe it, because when I get the chance we're going to make this perfect... everything." Claire said.


"I love you." Joel said.


"I love you, too" Claire replied. She then kissed him on the cheek and Joel walked away...

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"Hm? Oh' date=' morning," she said to Matt. "Yeah ... it's just these mysterious events that isn't alright." She was purposely avoiding discussions about her scar. "I just want to know why all this is happening ... I guess everyone does."



"Probably has something to do with the incident." Matt said shrugging. "But thats my thought on it. I doubt if it has any connection, but who knows it might."

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Joel walked along with a spring in his foot and a smile on his face. He soon bumped into Matt and Jade who seemed to be mid-conversation. He thought he'd join, he heard the end of a sentence and immediately knew the topic of conversation.


"Nothing's flawless Jade. The UPE is absolutely amazing, near perfect, but it seems to have been infiltrated by Trevor, it seems Claire and I are the onnly person ever to have seen him, and the man he murdered who then strangely disappeared was the only person anybody in the UPE seemed to have any negative comments about. And the implications against this man were pretty damn harsh..."

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"I don't recall him even applying. Claire's not a council member but she told me on that he was in fact allocated farmer and weapons manufacturer by the council, now this must of been in my month away, because I know for a fact I didn't approve him, or even see him, yet I accepted without question. Well I'm seeing Claire later today, I'll talk to her about it before the meeting, oh and if you hadnt all already figured, THIS is the main agenda!" Joel said.

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"Agreed, if you like you could help me track down Trevor, now last night I worked out that considering his schedule of placements and other peoples, he should next be at the farm in 5 minutes, now if he's there he'll be easy to question, if he's not we know something's up and he secures a stronger place as top suspect." Joel said. "Come on, let's walk down to the farms."

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