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Expiscor Terminus of Orbis Terrarum | [Basic] | Accepting | Started


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"Well," the voice had now completely changed and Dectera's was no longer heard, only that of Poseidon, whose voice had deepened over the years. "in a sense this is Poseidon. But no, truly this is Dectera. I just inhabit the bodies of the dead. For reasons you do not need to know. However, Jade, I do need you. As you know, someone was out to kill you, but fear not I have dealt with him. But he was merely a paid assassin. Somebody sent you... somebody wants your blood, your genetics; your power. I need you to combat this growing force. I fear lust and corruption are returning to my-- sorry our, planet. And this must be dealt with." Said Dectera. He then twitched, and for that second it truly felt as if Poseidon was in there... somewhere. Within that twitch, that second of freedom, Poseidon had taken some form of control over his body. For that second the possessive light in Poseidon's eyes was gone, for that second Poseidon pulled a fearful face only Poseidon could've pulled. His expression deeper than anyone ever before. For in that dead body, for just a second... there was life...

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Jade knew it was foolish of her to believe Poseidon was alive again. Her eyes were shining with heavy tears, her pupils swimming against them. She had completely lost control of her voice; for that moment only she was dumb, insensible from her lack of grip on her emotions. She couldn't even move, as the realisation of just how much Poseidon had meant to her came back. Yet he was dead, gone, moved on ... this was just Dectera, wearing him like a costume ... Finally, her lips parted and she managed just two words.


"Go on."

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"I need you to create a team, a group of people, because I have information on another growing force. It intends to destroy the UPE and everyone who lives by it's codes and practices it as a way of life. They are capitalists and aristocrats who seek the end of our beautiful commune. They want the world to be run how it was before, where you can do almost nothing and be granted 'celebrity' status and you'll be earning millions where there are children dying. They seek to rebuild everything I destroyed to make this haven. They seek to destroy everything you and I created to create a fascist, capitalist, aristocratic, greedy world and we must stop it. Crush their growing forces before they destroy us!" Dectera said ruthlessly. "You must travel across the world once more and then I can guarantee there will be no more of their kind for your entire lengthened lifetime, Jade. Do this and I shall grant you a wish within my power. In 48 hours I expect this team to be created and motivated!"

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Jade, who still couldnt say anything, just nodded, tears now breaking free and running down her face. "I ..." She paused, trying to compose herself. Yet the past was now too hard to ignore; emotions she thought she would never again feel rose inside her, as she slowly slipped into believing this truly was Poseidon she was talking to. No ... this isn't him ... he's dead, I've left him behind before and I will ... I know I will ... she furiously thought. "I'll do my best." She bowed her head as she finished, unwillingly forcing herself to look away from him.

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Name: Ragna

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Placement: Hunter

Bio: Ragna was only about 19 when the bombing happen. He lost his father but the where abouts of his mothers is unknown. As he continues to roam the earth by himself, he learn how to use weapons on his own to kill his prey and gather food for himself. As two years pass by, Ragna found himself among other survivors of the bombing and his goal are to find his mother and reach Austrilla.



Opening post: Ragna was standing on top of a cliff and looking out into the veiw "This place is boring as hell." He said to himself as he turns around and walk off. Greed kept his hand on the helt of his sword then he stop walking and at the blink of an eye. Ragna quickly unsheath his blade and slash every direction around him then quickly sheath his blade, but it seem that he didn't move a inch of his body. He raise his right hand then snap his finger as multiply animals fall from the sky and hit the ground. Ragna smiles slightly then started to walk toward his destination.

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OoC: @Magnet: All the members of your team will be, as you may have guessed, all of the RP'ers in this thread.


@Seito: Could you change his name from Greed please, for many reasons, some being;

1-It's not a name

2-I am and will be using the word greed a lot in this RP so it will get confusing.

3-It's too much like Creed.

4-Okay I only really have 3 reasons.

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"Is there ... anything else you want to tell me?" asked Jade, sounding a bit more confident again. It was easier looking away from him; that way she wouldnt be reminded of all those cold, stinging emotions she thought she had forever left behind for these past ten years...

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"No, I think that is all, other than I just want to thank you Jade, it must be hard for you... but thank you, without you there would be none of humankind left on this earth." Said Dectera.


Then a voice boomed out of Poseidon's mouth "JADE! HEELP!! I'--" It was then silenced. That was definitely not Dectera, as Dectera the shut Poseidon's mouth and smiled again.


"Sorry about that, Jade..."

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Daniel walked into town once more after failing to find Josep or Damion. He then sat down and looked up into the sky and thought to himself. "Were are you Sarah?" He muttered under his breath. Daniel then closed his eyes and sighed. "Dectera... I need help I can't just leave the main land without anyone helping me... who do you think can help me fulfill the mission you gave me?"

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Jade left the room and dashed back to her cabin. She slammed the door shut behind her, trying to control her shaky breathing. Without removing her hat, she quickly paced over to the bedside table, and kneeled down so she was face-to-face with the three drawers. The top two had no lock, but the third did and it was always locked. Trembling slightly from everything that had just happened, she reached into her overalls and pulled out a matching silver key. It took a lot of strength to stop her hand trembling long enough to insert the key into the slot and turn it 180 degrees clockwise. The drawer opened with a small 'click' and she slowly opened the drawer which had been shut for the last ten years. Inside was a collection of small useless things, but amongst them was an opal silver locket. She slowly clasped her hand around it and pulled it out, the locket glistening again after being neglected for so long.


It was difficult to hold back her tears, but as they ran again she flicked it open with difficulty due to her trembling finger, where a neatly-folded yellowing note rested above a picture cropped only to show herself and Poseidon. She took the note and slowly unfolded it. The ink she had used to write the note was fading, yet they were still legible. The words were burning brightly, attacking her like spears alight with fire ... it had been so long ago, and she never had the chance to hand it to him ... if only ...


She put the note back, folding it carefully to match the creases, and clasped it shut. Her hand now wrapped in a defensive coccon around the locket, she thumped it lightly to her chest. She thought she had shut the past away ... but it was coming back to haunt her ... and she just knew it was here to stay ...

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OoC: Go on msn please, magnet.

Also, I got my name change! WOOOOO!




Joel opened his eyes again this time he stood up. He mustered the courage to finally confront Dectera about exactly what was going on... and why he was here. "Dectera! I need to speak to you." He said, confidently.

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Jade kneeled for a while longer, until she finally wrenched the locket away and put it back in the drawer. She locked it again and as she stood up stopped for several seconds to compose herself again. Once done, she left her cabin and began to hunt for her team. She had a good idea as to who she wanted, but now it was a matter of finding them.

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"Yes, Joel?" Said Dectera as he transported Joel to a private holding room.


"Dectera. I demand you to tell me exactly what is going on here." Joel said.


"Oh, you demand, do you? And what exactly will happen if, say, I don't tell you?" Said Dectera.


"Don't play with me likes this. DON'T TEST ME!!"

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Daniel then appeared in front of Jade after jumping of the small roof of a close by hut. He looked at her and then away. The fact that he was told to kill the women who saved the world from true destruction made him sick. He then walked over to her and looked Jade in the eyes. His pale skin glowing lightly due to the sunlight hitting him directly and his red blood lusting colored eye gazing into hers. Daniel then opened his mouth slightly and began to speak. "Hello... Dectera sent me to aid you on your journey..." Daniel then waited for the women to answer to his comment.

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OoC: who're you talking to? if me...

"I'm Jason. If you're forming that kind of team, i'm in. Listen, about the murder, I think I could scan the DNA of the hand we found. I don't really think Daniel here is the murderer, because if he was, he probably would've broken my neck and not just knocked me out."

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"Oh I wouldn't dare test you, Joel. Not knowing the power you hold. That would be foolish of me!" Said Dectera solemnly.


"I have... power...?" Said Joel... he'd known about Jade, she had seemed to have been granted some great super-natural power of radiation of sorts... perhaps this would happen to Joel too...


"No, of course not." Said Dectera with a laugh. Joel's bright face seemed to drop into a dull, sad one. "In fact, that's why you're here. That's why I killed you. I thought you were almost nothing. Nothing but murderous swine. But you're not dead yet, not completely. For I have no control over the dead. I'm here only to see if you're worthy to stay alive and fight for a just cause. If not. I'll simply let go of you... and you'll die. No heaven. No hell. You'll just rot into the earth." Dectera said rather sinisterly.


"I see, so this is like purgatory or something." Said Joel inquisitively.


"Well, of a sort. Nothing super-natural though, not as you'd have thought. In fact everything I've done has been quite simple. Even a man of a common mind like yourself could have done everything I've done so far. All but one perhaps." Dectera replied.


"And that would be?" Joel asked.


"I don't know exactly why I'm telling you this. Probably because either you're about to die. Or you'll pass my test and I'll know I can trust you. But very well. The one thing I have performed thus far that a common mind like your own could probably not perform is my illusio- pardon me - possession of another being.


"Before you were brought here I possessed you. And I have also done it to the one soul who I have kept in my holding chambers for the past ten years. Someone I'd like you to meet. Very much." Dectera said...

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OOC: I was talking to Sidepipe just then because he interjected ... but anyway ...


"I dont think the hand's here anymore," said Jade, looking purposefully at Jason rather than Daniel. She still couldn't dislodge the mistrust she felt towards him after their earlier meeting. "Anyway, I need to get a team together on Dectera's orders. I reckon you'd be a good member Jason ..." She paused, turning to Daniel reluctantly. "And I guess Dectera will want you in the team." She spoke coolly at him.

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