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Expiscor Terminus of Orbis Terrarum | [Basic] | Accepting | Started


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Daniel then let himself fall into the chair as he began to worry more and more about Sarah. "Then what can you do?!" He yelled sadly as tears of pain began running down his cheeks. "You can kill but not save?! She was the only reason I continued living! I wanted nothing more then to keep her safe! So why must I die and leave her alone to suffer?! What kind of justice is that?!!"

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"I can do everything within my power to prevent or prolong her death, but you know she wont live forever, and if you give me all the information I need to save humanity, you'll be free to walk the plains of earth once more, and watch your beloved Sarah as she runs her natural course of life, until you must die, like everything before." Dectere said, slightly emphatically. "Now tell me who wants Jade dead, and why!"

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Name: Selene

Age: 17

Gender: female

Placement: Dont have one jet, but will do everything wich will be usefull in the UPE ^^

Bio: Selene was a rich familys girl, in times before the "Incident". Her famylis somehow know that the bombs will fall down.. Her family and her were located in somkind of "Vital Chambers", wich were located somewhere underground. For some reason, Her familys chambers were defect, so they die. Only Selene survived, and now she is awake again. She cant remember anything, dont even know that it were her parents in the other chamber. She only knows, that she have to get out...




http://bleach-society.gentlemen-club.org...y_768p.jpg (Without cat-ears or whatever they are)


Dont worry Selene, everything is going to be allrigth Her daddy smiles at her, pushing her into the underground shelter. But why do we have to do this? I want to visit grandmother now! You promised it! Daddy wasnt friendly any more, and just pull her more. Selene saw some guys with scientist outfits, wich point at somekind a chambers. Her daddy and her mother head towards those chambers. Just get inside. In a few weeks we will get out again, and we are going to visit grandmother, i swear it!


That was 10 years ago.


The dream vanished, and Selene wakes up. At first she just look around verry sleepy. Looks like she was in somekind a capsule. Suddenly she crys out loud when she realized all those tubes, wich were fixed at her arms and feets. She pull them out one by one, ignoring the pain as good as possible. Than she crushes the glass of the capsule... "Where am i...?" She tries to step out of the capsule, but slipps at the ground. It seems her feet wont carry her. (Remember, 10 years!!!) She tries it again, more carefull and helding some parts of that capsule. She trys to make some steps with caution, it works...

She looks around in the room she was. It was a dark, metal covered room. Selene opens a cupboard and put out some clothes. Suddenly she realize som other capsules, next to her. Walking up to them she looks inside. One of them gots crushed, and the other is out of order. Two dead bodys lie inside of them. "im... Im pretty sure i should know them.." she thinks, starts crying. "I dont even know who I am!"

Selene puts herselve together, and look for an Exit. She opens a huge door and gots dazzled by the sunligth. After her eyes adapted the new ligth she watches out in this new world...


She hears somone shouting and follow the noise, when she reach the edge of the forest she saw the camp of the UEP

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"I can do everything within my power to prevent or prolong her death' date=' but you know she wont live forever, and if you give me all the information I need to save humanity, you'll be free to walk the plains of earth once more, and watch your beloved Sarah as she runs her natural course of life, until you must die, like everything before."[/b'] Dectere said, slightly emphatically. "Now tell me who wants Jade dead, and why!"

Daniel then nodded as he moved his silver locks out of the way to reveal his face. It was scarred and his left eye was instead light blue surrounded by a black coloring. His eye began to glow slightly as he began to speak. "He wanted her blood... because like mine she had been infected with a chemical from the "Incident" as we call it. He wants to create an army of people like us and cease control of what is left of this world. He knows something about what has happened, he was old but he was wise and did not show me his face. All I can tell you is that he had a very heavy voice, as if he was straining it."

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"This is not enough information... you have not aided my search enough. Now I shall compromise, I shall free you, but you must find this man, you do not need to bring him to me, for this I can do myself, find me this man!" Dectera was desperate, he had worked hard to make his system run, but someone must have infiltrated it, there were untraced movements, too suspicious to go unnoticed...


Daniel was then immediately set free - he was de-materialised and re-materialised just outside the UPE central hall. Free to roam, however he was being traced, which he probably knew...

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Daniel looked around the center hall and then ran out towards the doors he then realized that he was returned to the land of the living. Daniel then sighed softly and went searching for someone to help him. He then remembered the Doctor and the farmer Josep. Daniel then ran back to the shore but before that he ran into a young girl. "I'm sorry about that." He said as he helped her up.

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"And so for my next victim..." Dectera said to himself, not aloud. He then seemed to conjure some sort of orb, and within it he saw Jade his eyes then lit up and so did the orb, a bubble seemed to materialise within itself, and then, one did, around Jade herself. Jade then disappeared from within the bubble. She then reappeared in a holding room exactly the same as the one Daniel was previously being held in, and Joel, Nathan and Lucifer remain to be.


Dectera then appeared before her. A masculine figure, wearing robes - hooded. The only currently recognisable facial feature was the bright blue eyes... familiar blue eyes.


"Welcome, Jade. It's been a while... 10 years to be precise" Said Dectera, his voice changing into one far more familiar...

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Jason, who had been sick, finally felt better. He was experimenting, as usual, but this time it looked like it was really the thing he was longing to discover. If the fluid turned bright green, then it was the one. Jason sat there, waiting, when all of a sudden, the fluid turned bright green. Jason scanned it, and sure enough, it was what he had been looking for. Ectomite. Now, he would have to test it.


At the end of the day, he discovered that it possessed an immense amount of pure energy. He said "I'll find something that this will be very useful for..."

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OOC: Sorry! And btw Jade had returned to her hut lol


Jade jumped as she saw herself in a new room. During that short space of time, she had barely managed to progress her powers furthur. But as she heard Dectera changing, she thought the voice sounded familiar, like that of a lost voice 10 years ago...


"Who are you?" She thought it sounded slightly pathetic, but it had been such a long time she couldn't go back far enough...

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--sry but my computer crashed 2 days ago and it's been getting fixed, still not fully better


It's been a few days since the wierd activity and the murders, but Damion had gone back to his work in trying to find cure for alements some of the survivors had. "I am curious to how she got that wound on her arm...." Elena looked up from repairing her weapons.


"You mean Jade? No idea. All i know about her is that she founded this whole group."


"Doesn't mean i'm still not curious. As you may have noticed that is no ordinary wound. Maybe i can ask her if i see her." Elena rolled her eyes.


"Just be careful not to touch it. You don't want her to go incredible Hulk on you." Damion laughed but coughed lightly. He shrugged it aside.


"Maybe that girl could be the answer to our problems. You never know."

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OoC: Go on MSN please, Magnet.


"Recognise the voice... don't you Jade, but you can't quite place it, not until it completely turns into your old deceased friend..." Said Dectera. He then removed his hood to reveal his face - it was that of none other than Poseidon. His hair was slightly shorter and slightly darker. His face was shaped differently, more masculine - his jaws were bigger and manlier, he had a stubbly facial hair. His eyes were still shining however, the only part f him that didn't look human.

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