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Expiscor Terminus of Orbis Terrarum | [Basic] | Accepting | Started


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Damion noticed the wounds and walked towwards Josep. "No wonder you asked." he said examining the wounds. He then smiled. "Give me and hour. I'll have all this out." he said reffering to the shrapnel. "Then we'll get you stiched up." he said getting his tools out.


"Good lord." said Elena looking at the wounds. "You're lucky to be alive!" she said taking the dead fish off her spear. Damion covered his nose.


"I know it's our dinner, but the smell is killing me. Cook outside so i can work please." he said removing the first peice gently with twezzers. Elena pouted.


"Fine! Doctor's can be so stinggy." she said walking outside.

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"No one wants to learn, but i suppose if something does happen to me it would be good to have a back up i suppose right?" he removed a peice but blood began to flow from it a bit quickly. Damion reached on his deck and pulled a lgither off of it. "This my burn a bit but hold still."


He clicked on the lighter and held it close to Josep's wound. The flame was close enough to the wound but not touching it. Suddenly the blood began to slow the flow and eventually dry out.

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--back finally


Damion glnaced over at Josep. "I could use some help around here, but it's not a simple as just teaching you how to fix some simple wounds. I went threw 7 years of medical school to know what i do now, and i'm still an ametuer." he said getting out his thread and sewing supplies. "But i suppose i can teach you what i know."

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November 6, 9:56 AM

Josep looked pretty bad from the bomb blast that yhe was caught up in, but he'll make a full recovery. Everything was patched up and the sitches can be taken out in a few days. He says he wants to learn about medicane. It could be benefital to have a second doctor around. I won't be around forever you know.


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OOC: Silver, definitely accepted.


Joel sat outside the holding room with his gun. He'd just sent a message to all members of the UPE to come and meet him for the postponed emergency meeting outside the holding room, he'd had the table and chairs moved to the room he was in and he sat their awaiting their arrival, Jade in particular.


OoC: Leonic, you're called Magnet now! Awesome!

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Elena walked into the room holding a note. "For you doctor." she joked and handed Damion the message.


"It's from Joel. I've got a council meeting to attend to." he got up from his chair and packed his suitcase. "Just keep my dinner there and i'll eat when i...." he coughed into his hanckercheif and inspected the blood on it. "When i get back." he finished before turning and walking out the door to meet Joel and the rest of the council.


"Damion....." said Elena quietly as the doctor walked out the door.

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OOC: Creed... Daniel already got away....


Daniel broke into another room and finally found his weapons, as he suited them up and got ready to leave he heard a noise. Daniel then looked around to find a place to hide himself. Just then he saw Damion walk by and as the doctor walked away Daniel landed behind him and took aim. "Sir." He said out loud so that Damion could turn to see him. "Why are you in this place didn't you know that a criminal is on the loose?"

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(OOC: yay, the name change has happened! ^^)


Jade got Joel's message and walked to the meeting room. Since her arm had been stabbed, it had been hurting less but it was still sensitive to touch; just one brush could have her shrieking. She reached the room and saw Joel already seated. She said nothing as she sat down to his right.

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OOC: Creed... Daniel already got away....


OOC: Damn it, oh well....


Joel sat there and watched as Jade came and sat with him, there were already most council member's there. "All right, let's get started." Joel said. "The unknown assassin is on the loose - again. I'm going to send out armed search parties ASAP and I will join them. Is there anything anyone would like to say at this point?..."

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--:(........i can't call you leo-chan anymore......:'(


Damion turned and saw the man pointing the gun at him. "I got a message from Joel saing there was a council meeting and i am to attend." he turned back around. "Now if you don't mind, i must be on my way." he said continuing to walk.

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ooc:I'm calling her Leo-chan either way, I made up the nickname, and I refuse to change it!


Josep had been taking a walk, he needed to see if the boat remains were still there, he decided to bring his machete just in case, he was sure the assassin wouldn't come back unless he had something left to pick up here.

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(OOC: call me Leo-chan if you want, I dont mind Mag-chan :D)


Jade cleared her throat. "I just want to bring a reminder." She stood up. "I speak not only as an UPE council member, but also as the commune's prime founder. When I first united all 918 people together and made UPE official, we were all damaged in our own ways from the bomb, whever it be mentally, physically or both. There is no denying any of us escaped the horrifc damage, as 99% of the world's population was wiped out in one go.


"For the past ten years, we have lived for too long in harmony, in our little artifical haven. We had nothing for fear, for almost all survivors were banded in one group together. We have worked and worked to keep ourselves, and ourselves alone, alive ... yet we have forgotten the horrors of mankind. Mankind is, and never will be, simple; it is complicated, it is like an onion. All the layers must be peeled away to make us humans simple again, but even at its simpliest are we really that naive? Nature makes everything both perfect and imperfect, for without it we would be flat, shapeless.


"Just a few days ago, I was attacked along with Matt and Josep. The man in question is Daniel, who happened to be an outsider of UPE. We fought for defence, and during that time the forgotten side of mankind returned. We are in essence social creatures, and all of us contain violence within our hearts, though some can better control this side than others. Yet, we have experienced nothing as such since the bomb destroyed the world as we knew it. I was foolish to think the bomb had rid the world of its natural sin, and left only purity behind. My friends, personalities have changed but our fundamental design has not.


"Therefore I would like to revist a rule I had set down. Violence is a demon, and when UPE was established I wiped out all demons. Yet within every darkness we wiped out, there was always a light at the end of the tunnel ... a loophole. Clause 19d clearly states it is acceptable to use violence for defence when forced to such extremes. The ambush forced us three to be violent, and I found myself reacting slower than I would have ten years ago. It was then I realised, the world is changing again. We have slowed it for ten years, but our grasp on the world is slipping.


"The time of peace is fading; the attack Daniel set upon us was the first, the body Joel found was the first, yet they are both not the last. We must prepare ourselves, for the time will arise when chaos, death, violence, murder, and bloodshed will try and reclaim this world. The bomb temporarily cleansed the world, but darkness can never be fully destroyed; it was simply weakened, and it took ten years to regain strength. This war shall never end, but the trauma will strengthen us all furthur."

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