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cyber stien

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no wonder I went to this store and they had 5 selling them for 10 dollars I bought it


there worthless now... its banned anyways...


and there not really good unless you use it on a BEUD or soemthing


not really good? how about this:


Summon Cyber-Stein, pay 5000, Special Summon Five-Headed Dragon, equip with Megamorph, 10000 ATK. destroy their monsters, and traps if possible, Attack directly.


all you need is:




Nobleman of Xout

heavy storm


and you win for sure. sometimes you dont even need some of those, depending on the situation.

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Cyber-Stein is an excellent card. Though I don't use fusions like Blue Eyes Ultimate. I use Cyber End Dragon' date=' Dark Paladin, and CyberDark Dragon.



it sucks! It has been banned and is useless for Advanced Format players


cyber stein doesn't suck...there is a reason its banned..and u say it sucks cause its banned?? so raigeki, monster reborn, change of heart and all those sucks too??

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no wonder I went to this store and they had 5 selling them for 10 dollars I bought it


there worthless now... its banned anyways...


and there not really good unless you use it on a BEUD or soemthing


not really good? how about this:


Summon Cyber-Stein' date=' pay 5000, Special Summon Five-Headed Dragon, equip with Megamorph, 10000 ATK. destroy their monsters, and traps if possible, Attack directly.


all you need is:




Nobleman of Xout

heavy storm


and you win for sure. sometimes you dont even need some of those, depending on the situation.



i thought you couldn't summon FHD... or Cyber End... :S



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