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Judgment of the Witch [Halloween]


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The time has come...


I am happy to see you have come, however foolish it may be to have done so...


Please do post... Simply ask as all you children do at this time, trick or treat... Sadly, not everybody will be giving my stamp of approval... Those deemed unworthy will be tricked to their deaths...


Oh how grand the tricks will be! I can hardly contain myself!


If you accept this test, feel free to challange me. Your fate will be in my hands...


You all shall be judged over Private Message...


If, by chance, you somehow manage to gather all the stamps, and have recived the final stamp from myself, post here proclaiming your accomplishment. You may be greatly rewarded.


However, the chances of you completing such a task is impossible for such challangers are yourselves...


Let the test begin![/align]

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Trick ooooooooooooooor treat.


-sticks out paw-


And yes' date=' I am prepared for thy judgment, oh wise one.









Judgements have been handed out.



trick or treat C2! and happy halloween.


I cannot PM you.


sorry I know you said only post once per day but' date=' what do you mean? also did even get the stamp O_o



For some reason, I cannot send you a PM.

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