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Make your own Dream Deck!


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Uhh...thanks...but please post your Dream Deck.

Here's my Dream Deck:

[spoiler=Monster Cards]

Dark Grepher x3

Doomcaliber Knight x3

Armageddon Knight x3

Darknight Parshath x3

Dark Armed Dragon x2

Destiny Hero - Dasher x3

Thing from the Graves x3 [Key Card]




[spoiler=Spell Cards]

Allure of Darkness x3

Cheating Sleeves x3


Burning Cards x3


Foolish Burial x2

Monster Reborn x1

Monster Gate x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Heavy Storm x1



[spoiler=Trap Cards]

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Magic Cylinder x1

The Transmigration Prophecy x1

Scales of Judgment x3





This Deck is based on trying to get 40 cards in both players Graveyards so then I can Special Summon Thing from the Graves.

This Deck is based on the September 2008 List.


Make sure if you use a card you made on Yugioh Card Maker to post the card as well.

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