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Return of Yliaster(YRPOtaku169 is Co-owner)(PG-16)(started,no more yliaster and signers)[basic]


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Kana Quickly did a Rapid U-Turn and stoped were Itosuki had Crashed. He got off his D-Wheel and Sloted his rist into his Duel disk.

"Duel Disk Re-Attaching." The computer said. It was a deck holder, life point counter and a graveyard combined with 5 spikes sticking out.


"What happened Itosuki?" Kana asked

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"Oh just some fellow who happened to be riding without care." Said Itosuki as he pushed himself up and began attempting to push his D-Wheel back up straight. "Don't think there was much damage though". He said as he continued struggling with his motorcycle it was true, the only damage was the silver orbs got cracked.

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"Better let me Look, i know a thing or two about D-wheels.." Kana asked. he kneeled down to see the orbs, noticing the cracks and which one had left a hole. He looked inside to find was some old, Rusted bolts and a Manual.


"Looks like nothing bad has Happened, just a crack on the decoration." He anseared before geting back to his d-wheel. The duel disk sloted back on and the both of the Yiliaster started to continue there Ride to battle with the signers...

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One more app incoming. Need a central antagonist for Zarkus+Hikari incase they can't get involved through normal means.



Name: Johan Zetsubou

Age: 63

Appearance: A tall man, about 6'5. Has long gray hair, and wears the same cloak that Zarkus does

Personality: Cold, calculating, and sociopathic

Faction (Signer, Yliaster, or Duelist): Duelist

Bio (A brief summary of your character): A man that aims to harness the power of Zarkus's dead Star dark mark to take over the world. Generic motive, but god damn, he's an jabroni.

Deck Type: A deck based on making the opponent feel despair

Featured Cards: Great Machine God Verzweiflung

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ooc: since i was gone for to long, i'm going to make up a story involving what happened to nick on , like, page 2, 3, i don't know? Oh, and i'm making a new character.

ic: Nick woke up to find 4 walls steel around him. "Man, what just happened?" Then he remembered that he'd been walking into the card store when he felt small prick between his armor, it gave him a small shock before he fell to the ground; unconcious. Nick got up and walked to what seemed like a very small window. Looking out he saw a lab-like area. "Well, isn't this going to be fun!" a short man walked up to the window and looked in using a stepladder. "Vell, iseent dees eenteresting, eh, Neekolas Hawk?"

ooc: I wrote it like that to portray his wierd accent.

ic: "Who are you, and why am i here?!". "Vy name is Shfvinga, Dr. Shfvinga. Zee reason voo are here, iz to be experiamented on. And zee virst test has alveady veen conducted. Meet voor brother." The midget moved out of the way to let Nick see a giant test tube with a 14 year old boy in it, he had most of Nicks traits (minus the cyborg part).

"Vee call him project Dante." The cage exploded and a shard killed the Doctor. Nick lept out and grabbed the boy after releasing him. Nick then broke through the wall and landed on the concrete with an impact that would've killed a normal man. He ran until he couldn't run anymore and put the boy down on his couch in his home. "Idiots" Nick muttered.

ooc: and now for my new character.

Name: Dante Hawk

Age: however long it's been since my last post in the RP

Appearance: Like Nick before he was a cyborg, which returned Return of RP members know

Personality: Quiet but bold.

Faction (Signer, Yliaster, or Duelist): Duelist

Bio (A brief summary of your character): There's not much to explain, he's a young clone of Nick, that's pretty much it.

Deck Type: Elements of Emotion

Featured Cards: Solaris-The Flame Of Hope, Combined Eomtions-Bliss, Solaris-The Final Ancient

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IC: The man standing outside was a red-haired, broad-shouldered man with a formal black business suit, a bowler hat, sideburns, and glasses.

"Greetings, Master Nicolas." the man bowed. Nick noted that he had a prominent Irish accent.

"I am Monsignor Nathan O'Reilly, and I come representing an...organization...that wishes to aid you in these dark times..."

Nick noticed that he had a pastor's collar, and he was wearing a golden cross-shaped lapel on his suit.

"The Société of Jesus, also known as the Jesuit Order, requests that you be placed into protective custody by order of His Holiness, Pope Urban VII."

His then whipped out a golden Duel Disk with religious icons on it.

"If you do not comply, I will be forced to bring you to The Vatican against your will."

"The Roman Catholic Church needs your assistance in combating an ancient foe, the Illuminati, also known as 'Yliaster'."

"Will you join us willingly, or will I be forced to take certain measures?"

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OOC: Therefore I am Itosuki and Kao is Kana I think we got that figured out




Itosuki then finally reached his destination and began watching the riding duel, a bit dissapointed. "These Signers look a bit to weak to be much of a challenge." He muttered as he began watching the duel on his motorcycle. There was no need to act right now, he would wait until he had absorbed most of the knowledge of their decks, therefore giving him the advantage.

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