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Army Type Deck


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Army Deck


Master Commander




This cannot be normal Summoned or set. This can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 “army” type monsters from the graveyard. While this card is on the field all other “army” monsters gain 300 ATK points.


Major Lieutenant


Army/ Effect

7/ 2400/ 2500

At the end of every turn this card is active on the field inflict damage to the opponent’s life points equal to the amount of “Army” monsters on the field times 300.


Trooper Soldier




A typical soldier fighting for a cause.


Suicide Bomber




FLIP- Destroy this card and one monster of the opponents side of the field. The opponent takes 300 damage.



Field Spell

As long as this card remains on the field all “Army” monsters cannot be destroyed by Spell Card effects and gain 200 ATK and DEF points. As long as this is active players with non-army monsters take 200 damage every turn.


Rocket Launcher

Equip Spell

An “Army” type monster equipped with this card gains 500 ATK points. The chosen monster can destroy one monster on the opponents side of the field at any time this is active and once this effect is used this card is destroyed.


Rapid-Fire Machine Gun

Equip Spell

An “Army” type monster equipped with this card can attack all monsters on the opponent’s side of the field. This card is then destroyed.



Normal Spell

The opponent takes 500 points of direct damage.


Atomic Bomb!

Normal Spell

All monsters on both sides of the field are destroyed and sent to the graveyard.


Land Mine

Normal Trap

An attacking monster looses 400 ATK points.


Nuclear Warfare

Normal Trap

When a Level 6 or higher “Army” type monster is destroyed and sent to the graveyard or removed from play this activates. The enemy takes direct damage equal to the amount of stars of the destroyed monster times 300.

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