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D.D Stallion

Soul Immortal

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D.D Stallion


Card Text: If this monster is removed from play from while on the owner of this cards side of the field, then it can be Special Summoned to your opponent's side of the field during your next Stand-by Phase. While this card is on your opponent's side of the field, he/she must set his/her Spell Cards for 1 turn before activating them. When this card is destroyed while on your opponent's side of the field, both players draw 2 cards from their respective Decks.


Originally going to be called Spacial Stallion, I opted for D.D Stallion in hopes to further increase "D.D Monsters" popularity. Its multi-effect allows it to hinder your opponent's Spell Cards and/or give you (and your opponent) some much needed cards.



*The effect of both players drawing doesn't activate if it is sent to the Graveyard while on the owner of the cards side of the field.

*If the owner is in control of D.D Stallion, then he/she does not need to Set their Spell Cards for 1 turn.

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Oh I'll put the text underneath the card because it doesn't say opponent's side of the field' date=' it says owner of this cards side of the field... But thanks for your comment, I'll try keep them coming, but not guaranting perfectness everytime.



lol i dont ask for perfection, i just ask for your best :o

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